7 Techniques to Finish the Edges of Resin-Coated Artwork

7 Techniques to Finish the Edges of Resin-Coated Artwork

Jun 23, 2024

Epoxy resin artwork has become extremely popular because it can create a shiny and protective surface, making art pieces look amazing. But it's important to have perfectly finished edges to complete the look. Edge finishing is crucial in enhancing resin-coated artwork's beauty and professional appeal, so learning different methods for achieving flawless results is essential. Consider joining a resin art workshop to gain valuable experience in working with resin on edges and enhance your skills in edge finishing techniques. In this blog, we'll look at seven techniques to get beautifully finished edges on your resin-coated artwork. So, let’s get into it!

1. Tape Dam Technique

The tape dam technique is popular for achieving clean and defined edges on resin-coated artwork. By creating a barrier using tape, you can prevent resin overflow during the curing process, ensuring that the edges of your artwork remain neat and free from any unwanted drips or spills. To implement the tape dam technique effectively, follow these steps:

  • Begin by selecting a high-quality painter's or masking tape that adheres well to the surface of your artwork without leaving any residue behind.
  • Gently apply the tape along the edges of your artwork, creating a smooth and even barrier. You can use a ruler to help achieve clean lines.
  • Press firmly on the tape to assure it is securely in place and there are no gaps where resin could leak through.
  • Once the tape dam is in place, apply resin to the rest of your artwork as usual. The tape will act as a protective barrier, containing the resin within the desired area.
  • After the resin has cured, carefully peel off the tape to reveal beautifully finished edges.

Using the tape dam technique helps prevent resin overflow and allows precise control over where the resin flows, resulting in clean and professional-looking edges.

2. Dome Resin Technique

The dome resin technique is a popular method for achieving a smooth and curved finish on the edges of resin-coated artwork. This technique involves creating a domed effect using additional layers of resin. Here's an overview of the dome resin technique and how it can enhance the overall look of your artwork:

  • Start by putting a thin and even layer of epoxy resin on the entire surface of your artwork, including the edges. Use a brush or a foam roller to create smooth coverage.
  • Once the base layer has been partially cured, you can add more layers to the edges. Pour a small amount of resin onto each edge and spread it evenly using a brush or a palette knife.
  • Applying each layer precisely to achieve a perfectly domed effect is important. Ensure the resin is evenly distributed and doesn't overflow onto the front surface of your artwork.
  • While applying each layer, watch out for any drips or excess resin forming on the underside of the edges. Use a clean sponge or piece of cloth to remove any drips before they harden.

By using the dome resin technique, you can enhance the overall beauty of your resin-coated artwork by creating beautifully finished edges that complement the rest of your piece.

3. Sand and Paint Technique

The sand and paint technique offers a refined finish for resin-coated artwork edges. A seamless transition between the resin and the substrate can be achieved by sanding the edges smooth and applying paint. Here’s the step-by-step process for the sand and paint technique:

  • Begin by sanding down any roughness on the edges using fine-grit sandpaper.
  • After sanding, clean the edges thoroughly to remove any dust or debris.
  • Choose suitable paints that complement the artwork and apply them flawlessly along the edges using a small brush or applicator.

This technique is highly useful for creating a seamless transition between the resin and the substrate, enhancing the overall aesthetic look of the artwork.

4. Trim Edges Technique

When using the trim edges technique, precision is key. You can use a table saw or similar tools to carefully trim away excess resin and substrate, ensuring straight and even edges. If you prefer a more DIY method, consider using a jigsaw and a straight edge. To achieve clean cuts in the trimming process, consider using:

  • Sharp blades or cutting tools are designed for working with resin-coated artwork.
  • Safety accessories such as goggles and gloves to protect yourself during the trimming process.
  • Straight-edge guides to ensure uniform trimming along the edges.

By utilising these materials and following a meticulous approach, you can effectively refine the edges of your resin-coated artwork for a professional and polished finish.

5. Pour Over Edges Technique

The pour-over-edges technique is excellent for achieving a thick and glossy border on resin-coated artwork. Applying a generous amount of resin to the edges can enhance your artwork’s aesthetics.

Using the pour-over-edges technique, you can create a beautiful, seamless border that adds depth and dimension to your resin-coated artwork. Experiment with different colours and techniques to develop unique effects that suit your artistic vision.

6. Rub in Edges Technique

The rub-in-edge technique offers a hands-on approach to creating a polished finish along the edges of resin-coated artwork. To execute this method effectively, follow these steps:

  • Application: Apply epoxy resin to the edges of the piece.
  • Smoothing: Use a clean brush or cloth to rub and smooth out the resin along the edges manually.
  • Polishing: Continue rubbing until you achieve a polished look on the edges, ensuring a seamless transition between the resin and the substrate.

You can create a refined and professional appearance for your resin-coated artwork using the rub-in-edge technique.

7. Use a Frame Technique for Resin-Coated Artwork

When finishing the edges of resin-coated artwork, using a frame technique can be incredibly beneficial. This method helps create defined borders and contain resin overflow, resulting in clean and sharp edges in the final artwork. Here is a step-by-step process for preparing and utilising a frame effectively during the resin coating stage:

  • Select a suitable frame: Choose a frame that matches the size and shape of your artwork. It should be made of a material that can withstand the weight and pressure of the resin.
  • Prepare the frame: Clean the frame thoroughly to remove any dust or debris. Apply a release agent or cover it with wax paper to avoid the resin from sticking to the frame.
  • Secure the artwork: Place it inside the frame, ensuring it is centred and level. Use tape or clamps to hold it securely in place.
  • Create a barrier: Apply tape or adhesive-backed foam strips along the inner edges of the frame to create a protective layer between the artwork and the frame.
  • Pour the resin: Mix and pour your epoxy resin as usual, making sure to pour it within the boundaries of the frame. The barrier created by the tape or foam strips will contain any resin overflow, resulting in clean edges.
  • Allow curing time: Be patient and allow sufficient time for the resin to cure completely before removing the artwork from the frame.

Using a frame technique helps achieve clean edges and adds a professional finish to your artwork by creating defined borders.

By incorporating these techniques and tips into your artistic process, you can achieve a polished and finished look for your resin-coated artwork while ensuring its protection and longevity.


Properly finishing the edges of resin-coated artwork is crucial for achieving a high-quality and visually appealing result. By employing techniques such as the Tape Dam, Dome Resin, Sand and Paint, Trim Edges, Pour Over Edges, Rubbing in Edges, and Using a Frame method, you can elevate the overall aesthetics of your artwork.

Explore and combine edge-finishing techniques to create unique and stunning results. Properly finishing the edges of your artwork can take it to the next level, giving it a polished and refined look. To learn more about resin arts and crafts, Contact Us on Arts Shala for valuable insights and guidance. So, experiment with these techniques to achieve beautifully finished edges on your resin-coated artwork.
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