Fixing Orange Peel Effect in Resin Art: Techniques & Tips

Fixing Orange Peel Effect in Resin Art: Techniques & Tips

Jun 04, 2024

Resin art is a versatile and captivating form of artistic expression, allowing creators to capture stunning visual effects within a glossy, durable surface. However, the orange peel effect can detract from the overall quality of resin artworks. Attending a resin art workshop can also offer valuable opportunities to gain hands-on experience tackling this issue and improve surface preparation techniques. If you've encountered this issue, fear not! In this blog, we will discuss the reasons behind the orange peel effect in resin art and provide practical methods to resolve and avoid it.

Understanding the Orange Peel Effect

The orange peel effect is a common issue in resin artworks where the surface appears to have a textured or uneven appearance similar to the skin of an orange. This texture can diminish the desired smooth and glossy finish of resin pieces.

To address this problem effectively, it's crucial to identify the underlying causes of the orange peel effect. Here are some factors that contribute to this issue:

  • Improper resin mixing: Inadequate measurement or incorrect mixing of the resin and hardener can lead to an uneven curing process, resulting in the orange peel texture.
  • Air bubbles: The presence of air bubbles trapped in the resin during pouring can create surface bumps as they ascend during curing.
  • Environmental conditions: The drying and curing process of resin can be influenced by various environmental factors such as temperature, humidity, and airflow. These conditions also play a significant role in causing the orange peel effect.

For instance, overheating epoxy resin should be avoided as it can contribute to the orange peel effect. Similarly, being mindful of the effect of humidity on epoxy is crucial for maintaining optimal curing conditions.

Prevention Techniques

To avoid the orange peel effect in resin art, it is essential to take certain preventive measures. Here are some techniques that can help minimise the risk of this texture issue:

  • Maintaining the correct ratios: It is crucial to maintain the recommended resin mixing ratio by accurately measuring and mixing the resin and hardener. Deviating from the specified proportions can lead to uneven curing and result in an orange peel texture.
  • Using a torch or heat gun: Eliminating air bubbles is vital for achieving a smooth resin surface. By carefully applying a torch or heat gun over the resin, you can release trapped air and improve resin flow during the curing process. This technique helps prevent the formation of unwanted textures.
  • Considering environmental factors: Temperature, humidity, and other environmental variables can significantly impact resin drying. Working in a controlled environment with suitable conditions for resin curing is important. Above-normal temperatures or high humidity levels can cause problems with the curing process and contribute to the orange peel effect.

By implementing these prevention techniques, you can minimise the occurrence of the orange peel effect and achieve smoother, more professional-looking resin artwork.

Fixing Methods for the Orange Peel Effect

1. Smoothing with a Roller

Using a roller tool is an effective way to even out uneven areas in the resin surface. Applying even pressure while rolling helps distribute the resin evenly, smoothing out any texture irregularities. Here's how you can effectively use a roller to fix the orange peel effect:

  • Choose the Right Roller: Opt for a high-density foam roller as it ensures better control and application of pressure.
  • Even Pressure Application: Start by gently rolling the foam roller across the affected resin surface, maintaining consistent and even pressure throughout. Avoid pressing too hard, as it may result in an uneven finish.
  • Multiple Passes: For larger surfaces, consider making several passes in different directions to ensure comprehensive coverage and smoothing of the resin.
  • Observation: Regularly inspect the surface during and after rolling to identify any areas requiring additional attention.

This technique effectively addresses the orange peel effect in your resin art, resulting in a smoother and more professional finish. This approach offers a simple yet impactful method for achieving a desirable surface texture in resin art, elevating the overall quality of your creations.

2. Casting Technique

The casting technique effectively deals with the orange peel effect in resin art and creates a smoother finish. Here's how it works:

  • Apply a self-leveling resin layer to the affected artwork.
  • Pour an additional layer of resin to cover the textured surface.
  • Allow the resin to settle evenly, resulting in a more polished appearance.

The casting technique is particularly beneficial for addressing widespread orange peel texture across the resin artwork, providing a long-lasting solution to this common issue.

3. Sanding Technique

The sanding technique is an important method for fixing the orange peel effect in resin art. When done correctly, it can produce impressive results. Sanding the surface is another effective method for fixing the orange peel effect. The textured resin can be smoothed out with progressively finer sandpaper grits to create a more polished appearance. It is important to approach this technique with patience and a gentle touch to avoid damaging the artwork.

4. Using Polyurethane Spray Paint to Smooth Out the Surface Texture

Another effective method for dealing with the orange peel effect in resin art is to use polyurethane spray paint. This technique, inspired by a better way to apply spar urethane, works by applying a thin, protective coat of spray paint onto the artwork's surface, helping to smooth out any uneven texture. Here is how It works:

  • Start by preparing your workspace and ensuring proper ventilation.
  • Hold the can of polyurethane spray paint about 6-8 inches away from the artwork.
  • Apply a light, even mist of spray paint over the entire surface, covering any areas affected by the orange peel effect.
  • Allow the spray paint to dry properly according to the provided manufacturer's instructions.
  • Repeat the process with additional coats until you get the perfect smoothness.

Benefits of Using Polyurethane Spray Paint

  • Creates an even application: The fine mist of spray paint helps to fill in the uneven texture caused by the orange peel effect, resulting in a smoother surface.
  • Provides a level finish: By applying a protective coat of spray paint, you can create a more level surface on your artwork.
  • Enhances the overall appearance: Polyurethane spray paint can add a glossy or high-shine finish to your resin art pieces, giving them a professional look.

This technique can be particularly useful when other methods, such as sanding or using a roller tool, have not achieved the desired results. The polyurethane spray paint offers an alternative approach for getting a smooth and polished finish on your resin art creations.


Don't be discouraged by the orange peel effect; it's a challenge that can be overcome with the right techniques. Several techniques can address the orange peel effect in resin art. These include smoothing with a roller, using the casting technique, sanding the surface, and applying polyurethane spray paint.

Overall, each method has its advantages and limitations. Choosing the technique that best suits your needs and artistic vision is important. Experimentation and practice may be necessary to achieve the desired results. Contact Us on Arts Shala for various resin art courses and tutorials and to learn more about resin arts and crafts.
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