Geode Lines Getting Mixed? Here's What You Need to Know

Geode Lines Getting Mixed? Here's What You Need to Know

Jun 19, 2024

Mixing of geode lines is a common issue in resin art, affecting the unique and detailed patterns of geode designs. To solve this problem, it's important to understand the causes and find effective solutions. Additionally, attending a resin art workshop can offer an opportunity to gain practical experience in making beautiful geode resin art and learn valuable techniques for preventing line mixing.

In this blog, we will look into the factors contributing to geode line mixing and share actionable advice on how artists can fix this problem. We aim to help resin artists enhance their skills and create stunning geode resin art without worrying about line distortion. So, let’s get started!

1. Understanding the Factors Affecting Geode Lines Mixing

When creating stunning geode resin art, understanding the factors that can affect the mixing of geode lines is crucial for achieving clean and distinct separations between different colours or layers of resin.

Characteristics of the Substrate

The characteristics of the surface play a significant role in influencing the likelihood of geode lines getting mixed. A level surface is essential to prevent the unintended blending of colours within the resin. For instance, using materials like canvas can pose risks as it may sag towards the centre under the weight of the resin, potentially causing line mixing. However, alternative options exist, such as the Medium-Density Fiberboard (MDF) board, which provides a perfectly flat surface for creating geode designs.

Role of a Levelling Tool

A levelling tool is instrumental in ensuring clean separations between different colours or layers of resin in a geode design. Choosing the right tool for the job is essential for achieving precise and defined boundaries between resin layers.

Exploring Substrate Options

While canvas is commonly used, it poses potential issues as a substrate for geode resin art due to its tendency to sag. This could be avoided by spray paint on canvas, but risks are still involved. Suggesting alternative options such as MDF board can be beneficial in preventing line mixing while providing a perfectly flat surface for creating geode designs.

Significance of Properly Priming the Substrate

Properly priming the substrate before applying resin is crucial in avoiding adhesion problems that could contribute to geode line issues. Using a suitable paint or primer and applying at least two coats on both sides ensures a proper foundation for the resin to adhere to, reducing the risk of line blending.

Understanding these factors and making suitable choices regarding substrates, levelling tools, and priming techniques can greatly contribute to successful geode resin art projects without encountering issues related to line mixing.

2. Mastering Resin Mixing, Measuring, and Pouring Techniques

Accurate resin mixing ratios play a crucial role in achieving successful geode effects without line blending in resin art. The proper combination of resin and hardener is essential for achieving the desired results. The following steps can help you master resin mixing for geode art:

  • Measure with Precision: Use separate cups of resin and hardener to ensure accurate measurements. Even a slight imbalance in the ratio can lead to issues such as incomplete curing or an uneven finish.
  • Follow Manufacturer's Instructions: Different resin brands may have specific mixing ratios and technique recommendations. Always refer to the manufacturer's guidelines for the best results.
  • Mixing Process: After measuring the resin and hardener, gently combine them in a clean container. Stir slowly and consistently, scraping the sides and bottom of the container to mix all the components properly.
  • Degassing: After mixing, it's essential to degas the resin using a heat gun or a blowtorch to remove any bubbles that could negatively impact the final appearance of your geode art.

Importance of Consistency in Resin Pouring Technique

In addition to accurate resin mixing, achieving the right consistency in your pouring technique is equally important for creating distinct geode lines without blending. Here are some tips for mastering your resin pouring technique:

  • Honey-Like Flow: Aim for a honey-like consistency when pouring resin onto your substrate for geode art. This consistency helps the resin to flow smoothly while maintaining boundaries between colours or layers.
  • Avoid Overly Liquidy Consistency: A too thin or runny resin can easily merge and blend together, compromising the integrity of your geode design.
  • Practice and Observation: Practice pouring resin on a small scale first to observe how it behaves and flows. This will help you adjust your technique before working on larger geode projects.

By understanding the importance of accurate resin mixing ratios and mastering the pouring technique, you can enhance your ability to create stunning geode resin artworks with clearly defined lines and vibrant colours.

3. Maintaining Levelness Throughout the Curing Process

In geode resin art, it's crucial to maintain a level surface during the curing process to prevent any unwanted movement or merging of geode lines. Here are some practical ways to achieve stability and ensure your artwork remains level:

  • Level Work Surface: Start by setting up your work surface on a level table or countertop. Uneven surfaces can cause the resin to flow in unintended directions, leading to geode lines getting mixed. Use a spirit level or a levelling tool to check and adjust the levelness of your work surface.
  • Levelling Feet: If your table or countertop isn't perfectly level, use levelling feet or shims to make necessary adjustments. Ensuring that your work surface is level creates a stable foundation for your geode resin art.
  • Supports and Bracing: Counting on the size and weight of your artwork, you may need additional support to keep it level during curing. Consider using supports like wooden blocks or braces properly placed under the corners or edges of your artwork to prevent any sagging or movement.
  • Levelling During Curing: Resin can continue to move and settle for several hours after pouring. To maintain levelness during this time, check and adjust the levelness of your artwork every now and then using a spirit level or levelling tool. Be gentle and try not to disturb the resin too much.
  • Curing Environment: The temperature and humidity in your curing space can also affect the stability of your geode resin art. Extreme temperature rises or high humidity can cause the resin to expand, contract, or cure unevenly, leading to potential line mixing. Keeping a stable and controlled environment for the best results is important.

By following these practical tips, you can assure that your artwork stays level throughout the curing process, reducing the risk of geode lines getting mixed. Paying attention to details and being careful in your process is key to creating stunning geode resin artworks.


To prevent geode lines from mixing in resin art projects, it's crucial to prioritise factors such as substrate levelness, proper resin mixing techniques, and maintaining stability during the curing process. Attention to detail and careful handling are key components in creating stunning geode resin artworks. Contact Us on Arts Shala to learn more about resin arts and crafts for more valuable tips and techniques.

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