How to Make a Stunning Layered Resin Painting

How to Make a Stunning Layered Resin Painting

Jun 26, 2024

Are you looking to add a touch of creativity and color to your home decor? Look no further than creating a layered resin painting. This unique art form allows you to play with colours, textures, and dimensions to produce a mesmerising piece of art. This blog will guide you through creating your layered resin painting that will leave your guests in awe.  We recommend joining a resin art workshop to learn how to start this project under professional guidance.

A World Within a Canvas

Layered resin paintings involve pouring multiple resin layers onto a canvas, incorporating various artistic elements within each layer. This allows you to create stunning effects like underwater scenes, landscapes with foreground elements, or even abstract compositions with pops of colour and texture.

The Beauty of Layers: Discovering the Potential

Here's what makes layered resin paintings so exciting:

  • Storytelling through Layers: Build a scene layer by layer, incorporating elements like painted backgrounds, sculpted details, and even dried flowers or small objects.
  • Depth and Dimension: Each layer adds depth and dimension to your artwork, creating a sense of realism and intrigue.
  • Creative Freedom: Experiment with different pouring techniques, colours, and textures to personalise your layered resin paintings.
  • Cellular patterns: Mimic is the intricate structure of a cell with strategically placed drops of different coloured resin.
  • Oceanic Depths: Capture the essence of the ocean floor with blues, greens, and whites, interweaving them with wispy "currents" of metallic flakes.
  • Cosmic Wonder: Create a mesmerising galaxy scene with layers of purples, blues, and blacks, accented with tiny white "stars" of glitter.

How to Make a Layered Resin Painting?

To begin creating a layered resin painting, gather all the necessary supplies. You will need:

  • Safety First: Gloves, respirator, safety glasses, mixing containers, stir sticks.
  • The Canvas: Choose a sturdy canvas or wooden panel for acrylic pouring (pre-primed is ideal).
  • Artistic Inspiration: Use acrylic paints, inks, alcohol inks, or other creative mediums to create your layered elements.
  • Resin Magic: High-quality pouring resin suitable for the size of your project.
  • Optional Elements: Sculpting materials like air-dried clay or modelling paste, dried flowers, and small objects for embedding.
  • Tools of the Trade: Heat gun (for removing bubbles), rubbing alcohol (for cleaning surfaces), palette knife (for swirling effects), plastic cups (for mixing).

Step 1: Prepare Your Work Area

  • Clean and Level Surface: Choose a clean, well-ventilated area with a flat surface where you can comfortably work on your layered resin painting. Cover the workspace with newspaper or plastic sheeting to protect it from spills.
  • Prepare the Mould: Ensure your mould is spotless and free of dust, debris, and residual oil. If using a wooden panel or canvas, ensure it's sealed with a resin-compatible sealant to prevent leaks. A level can help ensure the mould sits flat or is even poured.

Step 2: Plan Your Masterpiece

  • Colour Scheme: Sketch or visualise your desired colour scheme for each layer. Consider the overall effect you want – a vibrant ocean scene, a calming geode-like artwork, or something unique.
  • Layering Strategy:  Plan the order in which you'll pour your coloured resin layers. This will influence the final visual effects and depth you create.

Step 2: Mix the Resin

  • Follow Instructions: Carefully read and follow the mixing instructions on your resin kit. Typically, you'll need to mix a specific ratio of resin and hardener for proper curing.
  • Measure Precisely: Use accurate measuring tools to ensure the correct resin-to-hardener ratio. Improper ratios can affect the curing process and the outcome of your artwork.
  • Mix Thoroughly: Using proper steering techniques, mix the resin and hardener for the recommended time. Incomplete mixing can result in uncured spots or a cloudy finish.

Step 3: Layer the Resin

Start by pouring a thin, clear resin onto your canvas or board. Use a heat gun or torch to deal with any lingering air bubbles. Allow this layer to cure before proceeding to the next step.

Step 4: Add Colours and Textures

Once the base layer has cured, pour small amounts of coloured resin onto the surface. Use a stirring stick or comb to create swirls, lines, or desired patterns. You can add different textures by sprinkling glitter, beads, or other embellishments onto the wet resin.

Pro Tip: Less is often more with pigments in resin. Too much colour can make the layers opaque and obscure the desired effects.

Step 5: Create Depth

To add depth to your painting, repeat the process of layering coloured resin and creating textures. You can also use a heat gun to move the resin around and create interesting patterns. To get the desired result, be inventive and try out several methods.

Pro Tip: Experiment with different pouring techniques and practice on a smaller surface before tackling your main piece. This will help you get comfortable with resin manipulation and achieve the desired effects in your layered artwork.

Pitfalls to Avoid While Creating Layered Resin Painting

Here are some key things to keep in mind for flawless layered resin creations:

  • Resin has a specific pot life. Once mixed, it has a limited time window before it hardens. Rushing the pouring process can lead to uneven application and difficulty incorporating your artistic elements.
  • Let each layer cure entirely before pouring the next. Attempting to pour on uncured resin can cause unwanted mixing and ruin the layered effect.
  • Ensure your canvas or chosen surface is clean, dry, and free of dust or debris. Contaminants can affect the resin's adhesion and compromise the final look.
  • For added security, you can prime your canvas with a coat of gesso to create a more even surface for the resin to adhere to.
  • Uneven pouring can lead to consistency in the thickness of your layers, affecting the overall look and potentially causing cracking.
  • Air bubbles trapped in the resin can be unsightly. Always use a heat gun to gently remove any air bubbles that rise to the surface during each pour.
  • Layered resin paintings are beautiful because of the depth and dimension they create. Too many embedded elements can make the piece cluttered and obscure the overall design.
  • Use a light touch when adding 3D elements, ensuring they are well-secured before pouring the resin.

By paying attention to these pointers and accepting the learning process, you can avoid frequent pitfalls and produce gorgeous layered resin paintings that highlight your artistic vision and originality.


Creating a layered resin painting is enjoyable and satisfying; it immerses your imagination. By following the instructions provided in this blog, you can make a magnificent work of art that will be the focal point of any space. So, gather your supplies, get creative, and start creating your layered resin painting today! To learn more about resin art, its techniques, and how to perform them correctly, visit Arts Shala's website. Contact Us for more information.
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