MDF Board Bending: A Common Issue in Large Resin Art Projects

MDF Board Bending: A Common Issue in Large Resin Art Projects

Jun 01, 2024

Resin art projects have gained immense popularity recently for their unique and mesmerising effects. However, one common issue that artists often encounter is MDF board bending. MDF (Medium Density Fiberboard) is a popular choice for resin art because of its smooth surface and affordability. If you're new to working with MDF board and resin art, consider joining a resin art workshop where you can gain hands-on experience with this material. But why does the MDF board bend during the process? In this blog, we will get into the causes of MDF board bending in large resin art projects and provide effective prevention techniques. So, let’s get started!

Understanding MDF Board

MDF stands for Medium-Density Fiberboard. It is a manufactured wood product made by breaking down hardwood or softwood waste into wood fibres, mixing them with wax and a resin binder, and then creating panels by applying high temperature and pressure. The resulting board has a uniform density throughout its thickness, making it a reliable and stable material for various applications.

Causes of MDF Board Bending in Resin Art Projects

1. Moisture Absorption in MDF Board

  • MDF board, composed of wood fibres and resin, tends to pull in moisture from the surrounding environment.
  • This moisture absorption causes the board to swell and weaken.
  • The increased likelihood of moisture exposure in resin art projects further contributes to the bending of MDF boards.

Moisture absorption is one of the primary factors behind the bending of MDF boards in resin art projects. As these boards absorb moisture, they undergo structural changes such as swelling, which eventually leads to bending. Research has shown that UV light exposure can also induce such changes in wood. It's worth noting that this problem is particularly noticeable in resin art projects due to their inherent moisture exposure.

2. Temperature Changes and Their Impact on MDF Board

Temperature changes play a massive role in the behaviour of materials, causing them to expand or contract based on their composition. This expansion and contraction is especially pronounced in MDF boards, which have a dense and uniform structure.

When exposed to fluctuating temperatures, MDF boards undergo expansion and contraction, directing the stress on the surface and an increased risk of bending. The impact on MDF boards is significant in large resin art projects, where temperature differentials are common due to curing processes.

3. How Weight Affects MDF Board Bending in Resin Art Projects

The weight of resin and other art supplies used in large resin art projects can significantly affect the bending of MDF boards. Here's how:

  • Pressure on the board: The weight of these materials puts immense pressure on the MDF board, which can lead to bending issues.
  • Increasing strain: As more layers of resin are added and heavier art supplies are incorporated into the project, the strain on the board increases, making it more susceptible to bending.
  • Prevention through management: To avoid bending in large-scale resin art projects, it's important to understand and manage the distribution of weight and the pressure exerted on the MDF board.

Prevention Techniques for MDF Board Bending

Several effective techniques can be utilised to prevent MDF boards from bending in large resin art projects. These techniques focus on sealing and protecting the MDF board surface to prevent moisture penetration, as well as applying protective coatings that can resist moisture. Let's explore these prevention techniques in detail:

1. Sealing and Protecting the MDF Board Surface

Sealing the surface effectively is one of the most important steps in preventing MDF board bending. Sealing the MDF board helps to create a barrier that prevents moisture from penetrating the board and causing it to bend. Different types of sealants are available that are suitable for MDF boards, and they play a vital role in reducing the risk of bending.

When choosing a sealant for your MDF board, look for moisture-resistant options. Some popular choices include polyurethane, epoxy, or water-based sealants specifically designed for wood surfaces. These sealants act as a protective layer that safeguards the MDF board from absorbing excessive moisture.

Once you have selected a suitable sealant, applying it correctly for effective sealing is essential. Start by cleaning the surface of the MDF board to remove any dirt or debris. Then, using a brush or roller, add an even coating of the sealant over the entire surface of the board. Follow the manufacturer's instructions regarding drying time and reapplication if necessary.

In addition to sealing, protective coatings on the board's surface can provide an extra layer of protection against moisture. These coatings can be varnish or clear epoxy resin, which enhances the aesthetic appeal and act as a barrier against moisture absorption.

Benefits of Sealing and Applying Protective Coatings

The benefits of sealing and applying protective coatings on MDF boards are endless. Firstly, it helps to prevent moisture absorption, which is one of the main causes of board bending. By creating a barrier against moisture, the risk of the board bending due to exposure to humidity or water-based materials is significantly reduced.

Secondly, sealing the MDF board and applying protective coatings can enhance its overall durability and lifespan. This helps to protect the surface from scratches, stains, and other sorts of damage that can happen during resin art projects.

Lastly, these prevention techniques contribute to maintaining the structural integrity of the MDF board. By minimising the impact of moisture and protecting the surface, the board is less likely to experience significant bending, even when exposed to weight or temperature changes.

2. Reinforcing the Structural Integrity of the Board

To prevent MDF board bending in large resin art projects, it's important to reinforce the board's structure. Here are some key points to consider:

  • Strengthening methods: Adding support beams or braces to the MDF board can significantly enhance its ability to withstand the weight and pressure exerted during resin art projects. These additional supports can help distribute the load more effectively, reducing the risk of bending.
  • Proper weight distribution: It is essential to ensure that the weight of art supplies, including resin and other materials, is evenly distributed across the MDF board. Proper weight distribution minimises localised stress points, which can contribute to board bending.

By using these reinforcement techniques, artists can effectively reduce the risk of MDF board bending and confidently create beautiful resin artwork.


Addressing the issue of MDF board bending in large resin art projects is crucial to ensure the success and longevity of your artwork. By implementing the prevention techniques discussed in this blog, you can minimise the risk of board bending and create stunning resin art. Preventing MDF board bending in large resin art projects involves effectively sealing and protecting the board's surface. This can be achieved by selecting appropriate sealants that resist moisture absorption, such as polyurethane or epoxy sealants, and applying protective coatings that act as a barrier.

Reinforce the structural integrity of your boards with support beams or braces and ensure proper weight distribution in large-scale projects. Implementing these prevention techniques ensures that your MDF boards remain sturdy and reliable throughout their resin art projects. Contact Us on Arts Shala for valuable insights into resin arts and crafts, empowering you to create stunning artwork while overcoming common challenges associated with different materials.
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