Moisture and Epoxy Resin Art: Effects and Prevention

Moisture and Epoxy Resin Art: Effects and Prevention

Jun 02, 2024

Epoxy resin art has become extremely popular recently due to its stunning visual effects and versatility. Artists use epoxy resin to create glossy, glass-like finishes on various surfaces, including canvas, wood, and furniture. The resin is mixed with a hardener, which starts a chemical reaction that turns the liquid into a solid, durable material.

Understanding how moisture affects the final result is important to creating an outstanding epoxy resin art. Moisture can impact the quality and appearance of epoxy resin art in several ways, such as creating cloudy or hazy areas or distorting the surface texture. That's why it's crucial to control humidity properly to prevent moisture-related problems and achieve the desired outcome.

If you're new to epoxy resin art or want to improve your skills, attending a resin art workshop can be a great way to gain hands-on experience working with resin in optimal conditions. In this blog, we'll explore how moisture can affect epoxy resin art and share tips on avoiding moisture issues by controlling humidity effectively. So let's get started!

1. Cloudy and Hazy Areas

Due to moisture exposure, cloudy or hazy areas can appear in epoxy resin art. When the curing resin comes into contact with airborne moisture, it can result in these undesired effects on the artwork's surface. One factor that can give rise to this issue is cold weather. If the resin is cured in a cold environment, condensation may form on the surface, leading to cloudiness or haziness.

To avoid these problems, covering the artwork while the resin is curing is crucial. This will help protect the piece from any external moisture, whether airborne or due to cold weather, and preserve the clear and smooth appearance of the resin surface. By taking these precautions, you can achieve a flawless finish on your creations.

2. Distortions in Surface: Ripples, Waves, and Divots

Excess moisture can significantly impact the epoxy resin artwork's surface, leading to uneven textures such as ripples, waves, or divots. When moisture interacts with the resin during the curing process, it can disrupt the smooth flow of the material and cause distortions. Here are some steps you can take to prevent distortions in your epoxy resin art caused by excess moisture:

  • Work in a well-ventilated area: This is crucial to prevent moisture condensation on the artwork. Proper ventilation helps minimise the accumulation of moisture in the surrounding environment, reducing the risk of it coming into contact with the resin and causing surface imperfections.
  • Avoid placing objects that may collect or retain moisture: For example, placing a wet cloth or paper towel near the artwork can release moisture into the air and affect the resin's surface.
  • Ensure optimal conditions for curing: Create a dedicated workspace with proper ventilation to allow moist air to escape easily. Use fans or open windows to allow airflow and prevent condensation. Keep your working area clean and free from objects that may introduce moisture. Avoid working in humid environments or during rainy seasons when humidity levels are high.

3. Tacky or Soft Resin: A Sign of Moisture Interference

When moisture interferes with the resin curing process, it can result in a tacky or soft surface, compromising the quality and integrity of your artwork. Here are some key points to consider:

  • Moisture effects: Moisture can react with the epoxy resin, preventing it from fully hardening and curing properly. This can lead to a sticky or soft finish that is prone to damage and may not achieve the desired level of durability.
  • Moisture barriers: To prevent moisture interference, creating a controlled drying environment for your art piece is essential. One effective method is to use moisture barriers such as plastic domes or tents. These barriers help secure the artwork, shielding it from external moisture and providing an ideal environment for the resin to cure without interference.
  • Controlled drying: A moisture barrier ensures the resin cures evenly and thoroughly. The controlled drying environment helps to minimise the risk of moisture condensation on the artwork, which can lead to tackiness or softness.

Preventing Moisture-Related Issues in Epoxy Resin Art

Moisture-related issues can be minimised through proactive measures and a focused approach. Maintaining a dry working area and utilising moisture-free supplies is crucial to ensure the quality of resin art. Additionally, controlling humidity levels effectively is essential for achieving desirable outcomes. Educating oneself about the impact of moisture on epoxy resin art is key, as it empowers artists to adopt preventive strategies and mitigate potential negative effects.

To begin with, maintaining a dry working area is of utmost importance. This involves implementing proper ventilation and dehumidification techniques to prevent moisture from infiltrating the workspace.

Secondly, moisture-free materials are crucial to avoid adding more moisture into the resin mixture. This includes ensuring that pigments, additives, and other components are stored properly in moisture-controlled environments.

Lastly, artists should remember that controlling humidity levels within the workspace goes beyond maintaining a dry environment. It requires understanding the ideal humidity range suitable for epoxy resin art and employing appropriate tools such as dehumidifiers or humidifiers accordingly.

Choosing the Right Working Conditions for Successful Resin Art

Resin art is not just about the materials and techniques used; it also heavily relies on the working conditions in which the artist creates their masterpiece. The environment in which you work is crucial in ensuring desirable outcomes for resin art projects, specifically focusing on humidity control. Here are some tips for artists to consider when selecting a suitable environment for working with epoxy resin:

  1. Maintain Ideal Humidity Levels: As mentioned earlier, moisture can impact the quality and appearance of epoxy resin art. To avoid moisture-related issues, it is essential to maintain an ideal humidity level in your workspace. Aim for a humidity level below 40% to ensure optimal conditions for resin curing.
  2. Consider Temperature Stability: Temperature stability is another crucial factor when choosing your working conditions. Fluctuations in temperature can affect the curing process and lead to undesirable outcomes. Ensure your workspace has a stable temperature range to avoid any adverse effects on the resin.
  3. Ensure Adequate Ventilation: Proper ventilation is necessary when working with epoxy resin. It helps to remove fumes and prevents moisture condensation on the artwork. Ensure that your workspace has good airflow, like through ventilation and air conditioning systems, to create a comfortable and safe environment for resin art creation.

Considering these points, you can create an environment promoting successful resin art projects. Remember, maintaining a dry working area, using moisture-free supplies, and controlling humidity levels effectively are all part of creating the right working conditions for resin art. So, pay attention to these details and set yourself up for success in your resin art journey.


In conclusion, it's important for you as a resin artist to protect your artwork from moisture damage so it can stay beautiful for a long time. By utilising the tips in this blog, you can minimise the risk of moisture damage and enjoy your resin creations for years to come. If you're interested in learning more about humidity control techniques for epoxy resin art, consider investing in a dehumidifier for your workspace or storage area to maintain optimal humidity levels and a hygrometer to measure the current humidity in the air and monitor environmental conditions more accurately. Contact Us at Arts Shala to learn more about resin arts and crafts with different courses, tutorials, and a supportive community of fellow artists.
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