Overcoming Sticky Resin: Effective Solutions & Tips

Overcoming Sticky Resin: Effective Solutions & Tips

Jun 05, 2024

Sticky resin issues can be a frustrating problem in epoxy projects. Whether creating resin art or working on a DIY project, sticky resin can ruin your hard work and leave you disappointed. Sticky resin refers to a resin that doesn't properly cure or harden, leaving a tacky surface that is unpleasant to touch and can attract dust and debris. It can happen due to multiple factors, such as inaccurate measuring, incomplete mixing, or curing in cold temperatures. To gain hands-on experience in fixing sticky resin, consider joining a resin art workshop where you can learn from experts and fellow artists. This blog will walk through the common causes of sticky resin and provide effective solutions to overcome this issue. So, let's get started!

Curing Temperature and Humidity Optimisation

Maintaining the appropriate curing temperature is vital for resin hardening, but it's also crucial to consider the impact of humidity on the process. Here are some key points to optimise both the curing temperature and humidity for successful epoxy projects:

Ideal Temperature Range

The ideal temperature range for proper resin curing typically falls between 20°C and 24°C. However, it's important to note that different resins may have specific temperature requirements. Always refer to the manufacturer's instructions for accurate guidelines.

Effects of Low-Curing Temperature

When the curing temperature drops below the recommended range, the resin hardening process significantly slows down. As a result, surfaces may become tacky or sticky because the resin does not fully cure.

Troubleshooting Sticky Resin Caused by Low Curing Temperatures

If you encounter sticky resin due to low curing temperatures, here are a few steps you can take to troubleshoot the issue:

  • Increase the Temperature: Raise the ambient temperature in your workspace using heaters or by placing the project near a heat source (while following safety precautions).
  • Use a Heat Gun: Gently apply heat using a heat gun over the sticky areas to encourage further curing. Be cautious not to overheat or burn the resin.
  • Extend the Curing Time: If increasing the temperature doesn't resolve stickiness, allow more time for the resin to cure. This may involve leaving your project in a well-ventilated area at room temperature for an extended period.

Understanding the Effect of Humidity on Epoxy

In addition to temperature, humidity levels can also impact resin curing. High humidity levels can prolong the curing process and lead to surface imperfections like cloudiness or a tacky finish. On the other hand, low humidity levels can accelerate curing but may cause excessive shrinkage.

By optimising and maintaining both the correct curing temperature and humidity within the recommended ranges, you can minimise the risk of encountering sticky resin issues and ensure a successful epoxy project.

Dealing with Runny Resin Consistency

Addressing the issue of runny or liquidy resin is essential to achieving successful epoxy projects. This problem can occur due to incorrect mixing ratios and excessive use of colourants. Let's have a closer look at how these factors can affect the viscosity of the resin mixture:

Incorrect Mixing Ratios

The resin consists of two components, resin and hardener, that must be accurately measured and mixed in the correct proportions. If the ratio is off, such as adding too much hardener or too little resin, it can result in a runny consistency. This happens because the chemical reaction between the resin and hardener is not properly balanced, affecting the curing process.

Excessive Use of Colourants

Adding colourants to resin can enhance the visual appeal of your project. However, excessive amounts of colourants can also lead to a runny consistency. Colourants, especially liquid ones, contain solvents that can thin out the resin. It's important to follow the manufacturer's instructions regarding recommended amounts of colourants to avoid compromising the viscosity of your resin.

Overcoming Common Sticky Resin Problems

When working with epoxy resin, one common issue that artists often encounter is the presence of soft spots on cured surfaces. These soft spots can be frustrating as they ruin the overall finish and can affect the project's durability. However, there are effective solutions to this problem and ensure a smooth and flawless resin surface. Here are some tips for fixing soft spots in resin projects:

  • Scrape the Sides of the Mixing Container: During the stirring process, it's essential to scrape the sides of the mixing container regularly. This ensures that all resin components are thoroughly mixed, reducing the chances of incomplete curing and soft spots.
  • Sanding Uneven Areas: After the resin has cured, carefully inspect the surface for any uneven areas or soft spots. Use sandpaper with a fine grit to softly sand these areas until they become level with the rest of the surface. Be cautious not to apply too much pressure, as it may damage the surrounding cured resin.

Remember, proper application techniques play a vital role in preventing soft spots from occurring in the first place. Here are a few additional tips to keep in mind:

  • Apply an even layer of resin to avoid pooling or excessive thickness in certain areas.
  • Use a brush or roller to spread the resin evenly and eliminate air bubbles.
  • Follow manufacturer guidelines for curing time and temperature to ensure complete hardening.

By implementing these solutions and adopting best practices for resin application, you can overcome common sticky resin problems like soft spots and achieve stunning results in your epoxy projects.

Understanding Amine Blush and Bloom in Resin

Amine blush and amine bloom are common surface defects that can occur in epoxy resin projects. These issues are distinct from sticky resin problems.

Amine Blush:

  • It refers to a waxy or greasy film that forms on the cured resin surface during or after the curing process.
  • The reaction of the amine hardener with moisture and carbon dioxide in the air causes this phenomenon.

Amine Bloom:

  • It is a white, powdery deposit on the cured resin surface.
  • This occurs when the amine hardener migrates to the surface and reacts with moisture or carbon dioxide, resulting in a visible crystalline deposit.

Understanding these surface defects is crucial for resin artists as it allows them to differentiate between sticky resin issues and other common problems that may arise during the curing process.

Preventing and Resolving Amine Blush/Bloom

Several effective measures and techniques can be used to prevent and resolve amine blush and bloom issues in epoxy resin projects. These include:

  • Ensure Proper Ventilation: Having adequate ventilation during the curing process is crucial in preventing these surface defects.
  • Use a Heat Gun for Remediation: If amine blush or bloom does occur, using a heat gun can help mitigate or eliminate it.

By practising these steps, you can effectively reduce the occurrence of these common surface defects and achieve a smoother and more aesthetically pleasing finish for your epoxy resin projects.


To complete epoxy projects, it's important to understand what causes sticky resin and how to fix it. Use a precise scale to measure the resin and hardener in the correct ratio. Stir the components together for at least 3-5 minutes, ensuring no streaks or unmixed areas exist. Choose a workspace with optimal temperature and humidity levels for epoxy curing. Be patient and let the epoxy cure completely according to the manufacturer's instructions. Following these guidelines can minimise the chances of encountering sticky resin issues in your projects. Contact Us on Arts Shala to learn more about resin arts and crafts, share your experiences with sticky resin problems, and provide any additional tips for overcoming them.
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