Resin Not Sticking to Edges: A Common Problem

Resin Not Sticking to Edges: A Common Problem

Jun 22, 2024

Many resin artists face a common issue when working with resin: it fails to adhere properly to the edges of their projects. This can be frustrating and give rise to an uneven appearance, inconsistent coverage, and other issues. The key takeaway from this blog is that there are easy fixes available for the problem of resin not sticking to edges. By understanding the basic causes and implementing the right techniques, you can achieve seamless adhesion and create stunning resin projects.

Addressing the issue of resin not sticking to edges early on is crucial. It helps avoid wastage of materials and ensures a professional finish. You can enhance your resin projects' overall aesthetics and structural quality by taking proactive steps to improve adhesion. If you want hands-on experience working with resin on edges, consider joining a resin art workshop. It's a great way to learn new techniques, get expert guidance, and connect with fellow artists.

In this blog, we will look into the causes behind this issue and provide a range of solutions to help ensure the successful adhesion of resin on the edges. So, let's get into the details and explore the solutions to this common problem!

Understanding the Issue

Epoxy resin is known for its ability to level itself, but making it stick to edges can be difficult. This means it tends to flow away from vertical surfaces, resulting in an uneven look and inconsistent coverage along the edges of projects. The issue with adhesion doesn't just affect how things look, though. It can also impact how strong resin projects are.

For example, when epoxy resin doesn't stick properly to wood surfaces, it can leak out and mess up the final result. To solve these adhesion issues, it's important to understand how resin's self-levelling nature affects different surfaces.

By knowing about wood tables' specific challenges, artists can adjust their methods to achieve better adhesion. Considering these factors is crucial when looking for solutions to ensure proper resin adhesion on various surfaces.

Troubleshooting Resin Adhesion Issues on Edges

Resin application issues can often lead to challenges in achieving proper adhesion, especially on the edges of surfaces. When dealing with resin adhesion problems, it's essential to troubleshoot and address the underlying causes effectively. Here are some key strategies for troubleshooting resin adhesion issues on edges:

Ensure Proper Surface Preparation

Proper surface preparation is crucial for promoting effective resin adhesion on the edges. Any existing contaminants, dust, or uneven surfaces can hinder the resin from adhering properly. Following similar techniques used in automotive painting, such as cleaning the edges meticulously and sanding them to create a slightly rough texture, provides a better surface for the resin to grip onto, enhancing its overall adhesion.

It's important to ensure that the edges are free from any debris or oily residues that could compromise the bonding ability of the resin. Additionally, sanding the edges creates a microscopically rough surface, offering more contact points for the resin to adhere to, thereby improving its grip and overall coverage.

Use Tape as a Barrier Method with Wall Technique

When addressing resin adhesion issues on wood table edges, a solution can help ensure better adhesion and minimise the risk of resin not sticking properly. Let's have a closer look at this solution:

Taping and Dripping Method

One popular approach to improving resin adhesion on edges is taping and dripping. This technique involves creating a barrier using tape to contain the resin on the edges until it cures to a gel-like consistency. Once the resin reaches this stage, the tape can be removed, allowing the resin to flow naturally over the edges. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to apply the taping and dripping method for wood table projects:

  • Prepare the surface: Start by ensuring the wood table surface is clean and free from dust or debris. This will help promote better adhesion.
  • Choose the right tape: Select a high-quality painter's or masking tape suitable for resin use. Ensure the tape adheres well to the wood surface without leaving any gaps.
  • Apply the tape: Carefully place tape strips along the edges of the wood table, ensuring they are aligned and securely attached to create a barrier.
  • Mix and pour the resin: Prepare your chosen resin according to the manufacturer's instructions. Slowly pour the resin onto the centre of the table surface, allowing it to spread naturally towards the edges.
  • Allow curing: Let the resin cure until it reaches a gel-like consistency. Depending on the specific resin used, this typically takes several hours or overnight.
  • Remove the tape: Once the resin has reached its desired consistency, gently peel off the tape from each edge, careful not to disturb or damage the cured resin.

Following this taping and dripping method, you can achieve seamless edge coverage and ensure the resin adheres properly to the edges. This technique also helps minimise the need for extensive post-finishing work, encouraging the resin to flow evenly over the edges without pooling or dripping.

Different types of resin may have varying adhesion properties, so choosing a resin known for its excellent adhesion on vertical surfaces like table sides is important. Also, proper application techniques, such as mixing the resin correctly and pouring it at the right consistency, can contribute to better adhesion on wood tables.

If you're experiencing issues with resin not sticking to the edges of your projects, the taping and dripping method can be a valuable solution. You can achieve better adhesion and a professional finish by creating a barrier using tape and allowing the resin to cure to a gel-like consistency before removing the tape.


Dealing with resin not sticking to edges can be a frustrating problem for resin artists. However, effective strategies are available to address this issue and ensure successful adhesion on different surfaces. It's essential to try out the recommended fixes in your projects. Remember that adhesion performance may vary depending on various factors, such as the type of surface, resin used, and environmental conditions.

If the issue persists despite trying out the suggested solutions, seeking professional advice or exploring advanced techniques may be beneficial. Sometimes, a fresh perspective or expert guidance can make a significant difference.

Resin art is a combination of artistic expression and technical precision. While exploring your creative side is important, attention to technical details like surface preparation, resin selection, and application techniques can greatly contribute to successful outcomes.

If you want to learn more about resin arts and crafts, Contact Us on Arts Shala for various workshops and classes where you can gain hands-on experience working with resin on various surfaces, including edges. It's a great opportunity to enhance your skills and learn from experienced instructors.

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