10 Ways To Reduce Waste When Working With Epoxy Resin

10 Ways To Reduce Waste When Working With Epoxy Resin

Jul 05, 2024

Epoxy resin, a versatile material prized for its strength and clarity, has become a favourite among artists, crafters, and DIY enthusiasts. However, its magic comes with a cost – waste. Epoxy resin is a two-part system requiring precise mixing ratios for proper curing. Even slight miscalculations can lead to unusable, discarded resin. Thankfully, with a shift in approach, we can minimise waste and maximise our enjoyment of this remarkable material. To learn more about such techniques, enrol in a resin art workshop

Why Should You Avoid Resin Waste?

Reducing waste with epoxy resin is not just good for your wallet; it's also important for environmental and safety reasons. Here's a breakdown of why you should avoid waste:

  • Epoxy resin is typically not recyclable. Leftover resin ends up in landfills, taking a long time to decompose.
  • Manufacturing resin has an environmental footprint, so using less reduces the overall environmental impact of your project.
  • Cured epoxy scraps can be sharp and hazardous if not disposed of properly.
  • Improper disposal of uncured resin can introduce harmful chemicals into the environment.
  • Resin can be expensive, so minimising waste saves you money.

Ways To Reduce Resin Waste

Resin waste disposal requires careful handling because uncured resin can be hazardous and shouldn't be thrown away with regular trash. Here are 10 ways to become a more sustainable resin artist:

Measure Twice, Mix Once

The instructions for your resin will specify the exact ratio of resin to hardener needed for a successful cure. Don't eyeball it! Measure each component carefully using accurate measuring tools. Resist the urge to pour extra resin "just in case" you need more. This can lead to a significant amount of leftover, unusable material.

Master the Maths

Before mixing anything, calculate the amount of resin you'll need for your project. This might involve figuring out the volume of the mould you're using. There's no need to guess or risk wasting extra resin.

Embrace Reusable Tools

Disposable cups, mixing sticks, and droppers contribute to waste. Invest in high-quality, reusable tools made from plastic or silicone for mixing and pouring your resin. These reusable tools are easy to clean. You can use alcohol wipes to remove uncured resin or simply let the cured resin peel right off for effortless cleanup.

Think Outside the Cardboard Box

Instead of throwing away disposable mixing containers, the tip suggests using clean, dry, recycled plastic containers like yogurt tubs or coffee cups. This saves on waste and utilises what you already have.

Level Up Your Gloves

Disposable gloves are convenient but not eco-friendly or economical in the long run. The suggestion is to invest in reusable nitrile gloves that you can wash and reuse for multiple projects.

Work on a Recycled Canvas

Traditionally, art projects might use brand-new canvas or wood panels. This tip encourages using reclaimed wood scraps or even upcycled plastic sheets as your base. This reduces the demand for new resources and adds a unique, personal touch to your artwork.

Plan Your Pours

Before diving in with the resin, sketch or visualise your design. This could involve drawing on a separate piece of paper, using a mould with a predefined pattern, or having a clear idea for an abstract piece. By planning your pours, you can minimise the need to fix mistakes later on, which means less wasted resin. With a plan in place, you can measure the exact amount of resin needed for each design section. This prevents you from mixing too much resin, potentially having leftovers that go to waste.

Be Crafty with Scraps

Don't throw away those leftover drippings or small quantities of mixed resin! Here are some creative ways to use them:

  • Tiny Treasures: Make beautiful jewellery like pendants, earrings, or rings.
  • Coaster Creations: Craft unique coasters with leftover resin. You can embed small objects like flowers or seashells for a personalised touch.
  • Small-Scale Delights: Pour the resin into small moulds to create keychains, magnets, or decorative embellishments.

By getting creative with leftover resin, you can avoid waste and add a personal touch to various projects.

Embrace the Imperfect

Resin art is all about capturing the flow and movement of the material. Sometimes, imperfections like small air bubbles or streaks of colour can add a unique character to your piece. Here's why learning to accept these imperfections is important:

  • Natural Beauty: These imperfections can mimic the beauty found in natural elements like stones or wood, adding depth and interest to your artwork.
  • Less is More: Obsessing over achieving absolute perfection can lead to wasted resin as you try to fix minor flaws.
  • Embrace the Flow: Letting go and allowing the resin to flow naturally can create stunning and unexpected effects that enhance the artwork.

Store It Right

Proper resin storage ensures it lasts longer and reduces the need to repurchase due to spoilage. Here are some storage tips:

  • Cool and Dark: Keep your resin in a cool, dark place away from direct sunlight. This helps prevent the resin from curing prematurely.
  • Sealed Tight: Ensure the resin containers are sealed properly to prevent them from leaking or air exposure, which can affect their quality.
  • Read the Label: Follow the specific storage instructions on the resin manufacturer's label for optimal shelf life.

By storing your resin correctly, you can get the most out of every purchase and reduce waste.

Using these suggestions, you may reduce your environmental effect while producing stunning resin art. Remember, a little planning and resourcefulness go a long way!


By following these 10 ways to reduce waste when working with epoxy resin, you can enjoy your projects while minimising environmental impact. Remember to plan carefully, use proper measurement techniques, and make conscious choices to reduce waste throughout the resin crafting. Contact Us to know more or visit Arts Shala’s website.
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