Ways to Get a Thick Layer of Resin

7 Ways to Get a Thick Layer of Resin

May 25, 2024

Resin is a highly flexible material. From delicate jewellery to complex art installations, it allows you to fulfil your creative visions. But what if your project demands it to be thicker? Standard techniques work for thin layers, but achieving significant thickness requires specific strategies to ensure a flawless outcome. If you are looking to gain a thick resin layer in your next project, then this blog is for you! Today, we will explore seven effective ways to help you achieve a thick layer of resin that will take your resin creations to the next level. To explore these ways, join a resin art workshop.

Why Is a Thick Layer of Resin Beneficial?

It isn't necessarily beneficial for every project, but it offers some advantages in specific situations:

  • Encapsulation: If you're embedding objects in resin, like dried flowers or figurines, a thicker layer ensures they're wholly encased and protected. A thin layer might only partially cover them.
  • High-Gloss Finish: A thicker layer creates a deeper, more substantial look with a high-gloss finish, which can be particularly desirable for art pieces or countertops.
  • Sturdy Casting: A thicker layer provides increased strength and structural integrity for thicker, more rigid objects cast in resin moulds.

7 Ways to Achieve a Thick Layer of Resin

Here, we delve into 7 effective methods to conquer thick resin pours:

1. Layering 

The most fundamental technique for building thickness is layering. Here, you pour the resin in thin sections, typically around 1/8 inch each. The key lies in allowing each layer to partially cure before adding the next. This stage ensures proper bonding between layers and prevents overheating, which can cause cracking or warping.

  • Preparation is Key: Ensure your mould or surface is clean, level, and free of dirt. If using a flat surface, create a dam using strong tape to contain the resin.
  • The First Step: Mix and pour the first layer of resin according to the manufacturer's instructions. Let it cure until it reaches a sticky stage, which can take anywhere from 30 minutes to several hours, depending on the resin type and thickness.
  • Building Up: Once the first layer is tacky, mix and pour the next layer. This tacky surface allows for optimal adhesion between layers. Repeat this process until you achieve the desired thickness.

2. Use Thicker Resins

Not all resins are created equal.  For projects demanding significant thickness, explore "thicker" or "deep pour" resins. These are formulated with a higher viscosity, meaning they're thicker and less runny compared to standard casting resins. This translates to:

  • Reduced Heat Generation: Due to their slower curing time, thicker resins generate less heat during the curing process, minimising the chance of cracking.
  • Enhanced Control: The thicker consistency allows for more control during pouring, especially for intricate designs or moulds with varying depths.
  • Fewer Layers Needed: Since thicker pours are manageable with this type of resin, you can achieve your desired thickness in fewer layers compared to standard casting resin.

3. Use Moulds and Dams

For projects requiring a completely enclosed thick layer, consider using a mould or building a dam:

  • Moulds: Simply pour the resin into the mould and let it cure. Choose a mould material compatible with your resin type that can withstand the weight of thicker pours. Common options include silicone, plastic, or even wood (for specific applications).
  • Building Dams: This involves creating a barrier around your project using strong tape or another suitable material. This allows you to pour a thicker layer of resin in one go, similar to a mould but offers more flexibility in shaping the resin. Ensure the dam is strong enough to hold the resin without leaking, which can ruin your project and create unevenness.

4. Heat Curing (For Specific Resins)

Some thicker resins benefit from a controlled, slightly elevated curing temperature, often referred to as "heat curing." This is typically achieved by placing the mould or project in a warm environment like a curing chamber. The specific temperature and duration will vary depending on the resin, so always follow the manufacturer's recommendations. Here's how heat curing can be advantageous:

  • Improved Flow: Heat can help the thicker resin flow better, filling fine details in your mould and reducing air bubbles.
  • Reduced Cracking: The controlled heat can promote even curing, minimising the risk of cracks that can occur during a standard room-temperature cure.

5. Post-Pour Heating (Advanced Technique)

For very thick layers, some advanced techniques involve applying gentle heat after pouring the resin. This helps the resin flow further, eliminate air bubbles, and achieve a smoother finish. However, this is a delicate process that requires extreme caution due to the risk of overheating, which can lead to warping, discolouration, or even boiling:

  • Always Use Ventilation: When applying heat, proper ventilation is crucial to avoid inhaling harmful fumes.
  • Monitor Closely: Use a temperature probe to monitor the resin's temperature constantly and ensure you stay within the recommended range.
  • Slow Process: Begin with a low heat setting and gradually increase it if needed. Rushing this process can be disastrous.

6. Pressure Casting 

While the previous methods offer excellent control for achieving thick resin layers, pressure casting takes it a step further. This advanced technique allows you to create exceptionally thick castings with minimal air bubbles, perfect for projects demanding a truly impressive depth. However, due to its complexity, it's best suited for experienced resin artists with access to specialised equipment. Benefits of pressure casting for thick layers:

  • Minimal Air Bubbles: The pressure expels air bubbles from the resin, leading to a flawless thick layer that is crystal clear.
  • Denser Castings: It creates denser castings compared to other methods, making them more resistant to warping and cracking.
  • Improved Strength: It also leads to improved strength, making it suitable for functional applications beyond purely aesthetic purposes.

7. Practice Patience

When it comes to achieving a thick layer of resin, patience is not just a virtue; it's a necessity.  Rushing the process can lead to a multitude of problems, from bubbles to cracking. Here are some additional ways patience is vital for thick resin projects:

  • Mixing Thoroughly: Ensure you carefully blend the resin and hardener, following the manufacturer's guidelines. Inadequate mixing may result in uneven curing and potential vulnerabilities in the finished product.
  • Degassing: Allow enough time for air bubbles to rise and escape the resin before pouring is crucial. Patience ensures a clear final product.
  • Curing Time: Never underestimate the importance of following the recommended curing times, even if the resin appears cured on the surface. Patience allows the resin to fully cure throughout its depth fully, ensuring a strong and stable piece.


Experiment with different techniques and see what works best for your style and artistic vision. So go ahead, pour with confidence, and create stunning resin masterpieces that will wow your audience! To learn more about resin art and its techniques, visit Arts Shala’s website or Contact Us right away!
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