Common Mistakes Beginner Resin Artists Make

8 Common Mistakes Beginner Resin Artists Make

Feb 27, 2024

Resin crafting has become increasingly popular among DIY artists and beginners, offering a wide range of possibilities for creative expression. Like any craft, mastering resin art involves trial and error. Embracing mistakes as part of the learning process is crucial for skill development in resin crafting, paving the way for growth and innovation.

Joining a resin art workshop can provide valuable insights into common resin mistakes and how to avoid them. This blog aims to offer resin beginners the essential knowledge to avoid common mistakes while improving their skills. By exploring the details of resin crafting, you can gain confidence and enhance your skills while preventing unnecessary problems.

1. Inaccurate Measuring

Accurate measuring is crucial for resin casting as it directly affects the chemical reaction between the resin and hardener. Here are some potential issues that can arise from using incorrect ratios of resin and hardener:

  • Improper Curing: If you don't accurately measure the resin and hardener, the chemical reaction may not happen properly, resulting in an incomplete or weak cure. This can cause a sticky or tacky surface, soft spots, or even a complete failure of the resin to harden.
  • Yellowing or Discolouration: Inaccurate measuring can also make the colour of the resin look weird. When you don't mix the resin and hardener in the right amounts, it can impact how clear and stable the colour of the hardened resin is.
  • Weak Physical Properties: Resin that isn't mixed accurately might not be as strong, durable, or heat-resistant as it should be. This can affect how good and long-lasting your resin projects turn out.

2. Improperly Resin Mixing

Emphasising the importance of thorough and proper mixing is crucial for successfully curing resin. Common problems arise when the resin is not mixed adequately, leading to issues such as soft or sticky spots, tackiness, or uneven curing. To avoid these problems, you should follow effective mixing methods to ensure proper resin curing:

  • Thorough Mixing: Properly combine the resin and hardener for at least 3 minutes, ensuring that both components are fully integrated. Scrape the sides and bottom of the mixing container to incorporate all parts uniformly.
  • Avoiding Excessive Stirring: While thorough mixing is essential, excessive stirring can introduce unnecessary air bubbles into the resin. Stir at a constant speed and refrain from over-agitating the mixture.
  • Consistency: Aim for a consistent texture and colour throughout the entire resin batch, indicating a uniform distribution of the components.

3. Cold Temperature Affecting Resin Curing

Knowing how cold temperatures can affect resin curing is important when working with resin. Cold environments can cause the resin to take longer or even prevent it from curing properly. This can be frustrating when you're excited to see the final result of your project. To avoid any issues caused by cold temperatures, here are some practical tips for working with resin in chilly conditions:

  • Use a Heat Gun: Applying gentle heat using a heat gun can help speed up the curing time of the resin and ensure that it cures evenly.
  • Work in a Heated Room: Choose a workspace that is already heated, or use a room heater to create a warm environment for your resin projects.

4. Failing to Test the Resin First

Testing the resin before the main project is important when starting a new resin project. Testing the resin first helps us understand its behaviour, how long it takes to harden, and whether it works well with different additives. Here's a simple guide for beginners on what to think about when testing resin:

  • Curing Time: Do a small test to see how long the resin will harden under normal conditions. This will help you plan your project timeline effectively.
  • Compatibility with Additives: If you want to add colour or other materials to your resin, it's essential to test how the resin reacts with these additives beforehand. This ensures that the final result meets your expectations without any issues.

5. Inadequate Surface Preparation

It's important to prepare the work surface and all elements properly. This helps in achieving strong adhesion and a high-quality finish. If you don't prep the surface properly, you may encounter issues like poor adhesion, bubbling, or an uneven finish. Here are the essential steps to effectively prepare the base before pouring resin:

  • Cleaning: Clean the work surface to remove any dust, dirt, or grease that could prevent the resin from sticking properly. Use a gentle cleaner and ensure the surface is completely dry before proceeding.
  • Sealing: Depending on the type of surface you're working with, it may be necessary to apply a sealant to prevent air or moisture from seeping into the material and causing imperfections in the resin finish.
  • Preparation: Inspect the surface for any imperfections or rough areas that could affect the final result. Sand down rough spots and fill in any cracks or holes as needed to create a smooth and uniform base for pouring the resin.

6. Using Excessive Colourant

Adding colourant can be a fun and creative way to make your creations stand out. However, it's important to stay moderate with the colourant. Using too much can cause various issues that impact the overall quality of your project. Here are two common problems that can arise from using too much colourant in your resin mixture:

  • Improper Curing: Too much colourant can interfere with the proper curing process of the resin, resulting in sticky or soft areas instead of fully hardened.
  • Muddy Colours: Using excessive colourant can make your colours look cloudy or murky instead of the vibrant and translucent shades you aim for.

7. Extended Waiting Time After Mixing

Common resin mistakes often include letting resin sit too long after mixing. Allowing mixed resin to sit idle for extended periods can lead to shortened working time and an increased risk of surface defects. The consequences include the resin starting to cure in the cup, making it unusable for the intended project, and potential issues with adhesion and finish quality when applied.

8. Dust in Resin Projects

Dust particles can negatively impact the final look of your resin finishes, causing them to appear less clear and smooth. To avoid this issue and maintain the quality of your creations, follow these steps:

  • Work in a Clean Environment: Find a dedicated area for your resin work that doesn't have excessive dust or debris. Clean the space regularly to minimise airborne particles that could land on your resin while curing.
  • Use Coverings: When working on resin projects, consider using a protective dome or a dust cover to shield them from environmental contaminants during the curing process.
  • Employ Dust Removal Methods: Before your resin cures, use a torch or an air compressor to remove any surface dust or particles that may have settled on it. Simply pass the torch over the resin briefly or direct air from the compressor carefully to remove unwanted particles and achieve a flawless finish.


As a beginner in resin crafting, it's important to remember that making mistakes is part of the learning process. Embrace experimentation and continuously learn from successes and failures to improve your resin crafting skills.

Throughout this blog, we discussed eight common mistakes that resin beginners often make. Each mistake has consequences that can affect the quality of your resin projects. However, the right knowledge and techniques can easily avoid these mistakes.

By being mindful of these common mistakes and implementing the tips provided, you can enhance your crafting skills and create beautiful resin art. If you're looking to further explore various resin arts and crafts, Contact Us on Arts Shala today for more resources and guidance.

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