Epoxy Resin

Can You Use Epoxy Resin and Stay Safe?

May 07, 2024

Epoxy resin has gained popularity in various DIY projects and crafts due to its versatility and durability. However, many people wonder if it is safe to use. In this blog post, we'll talk about the safety considerations of utilising this medium and offer guidance on maintaining safety when handling this substance. If you wish to learn this form under professional advice, we recommend joining a resin art workshop

Is Epoxy Resin Safe to Use?

It is generally safe to use when proper safety precautions are taken. Yet, it is crucial to grasp the possible dangers linked to this substance. It includes harmful chemicals like volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and Bisphenol A (BPA) that can pose risks if mishandled. In conclusion, there are some  important things to consider:

  • Uncured Resin: This can be irritative. Skin contact is the most likely exposure and can cause irritation, allergic reactions, or even be absorbed into the body in rare cases. Inhalation is less likely but can occur in poorly ventilated spaces and irritate the respiratory system.
  • Cured Resin: Once fully hardened, the material becomes inert (no longer reactive) and is generally considered safe.  In this state, it's even considered food-safe (although not for direct food prep due to scratching and heat concerns).

How to Stay Safe While Using Epoxy Resin?

Follow these suggestions, and you won't need to be concerned about falling ill or damaging your artwork.


It is crucial for safety, especially when working with epoxy resin. Uncured resin and hardener release fumes that can irritate your lungs. Here are some key points to remember:

  • Always prioritise working in a well-ventilated space. Arrange an opening on each side to enable airflow and circulation within your work area.
  • Work outdoors. This provides the best ventilation, but make sure it's a calm day with minimal dust or debris. It can settle on your project.
  • Use fans strategically. If opening windows isn't feasible, position fans to blow fumes away from you and out of the workspace. A combination of a box fan exhausting fumes and a fan circulating fresh air is ideal.
  • Be mindful of the project size and workspace. Working with larger quantities of resin requires even stronger ventilation. A small, enclosed room will require more aggressive ventilation than a large open area.

Skin Contact

This medium can be a skin irritant, so here are some key points to stay safe regarding skin contact:

  • Wear gloves! Nitrile or vinyl gloves are best for epoxy as they offer better protection than latex gloves. Double-gloving can provide extra security.
  • Check gloves for rips or tears before each use and replace them if damaged.
  • Opt for long-sleeved attire and garments that cover both your arms and legs to minimise skin exposure.
  • If epoxy resin gets on your skin, remove it immediately. Don't use water, as this won't remove the resin.
  • Use a waterless hand cleanser specifically designed for removing uncured epoxy. These are often sold alongside epoxy resin products.
  • After using a hand cleanser, wash the affected area thoroughly with soap and warm water.
  • If skin irritation persists or if you accidentally ingest resin, seek medical attention immediately.


Epoxy resin can be a fantastic material for creative projects, but safety is essential. Here's how to keep yourself protected during cleanup:

  • Use paper towels or rags to absorb spills immediately. Don't let epoxy resin drip down the drain.
  • For uncured resin, use solvents recommended by the manufacturer (often denatured alcohol or acetone). Work in a well-ventilated area and avoid inhaling fumes.
  • Once cured, epoxy becomes solid. Small cured scraps can be scraped up with a putty knife or disposable tool.
  • Clean reusable tools with solvent, soap, and water. Dispose of heavily contaminated disposable tools.
  • Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water after cleanup.

[Pro Tip: Labels Matter: Consult the safety data sheet (SDS) for the resin you're using for in-depth details on hazards and correct handling protocols.]


  • Never pour uncured resin or hardener down the drain! This can harm the environment and plumbing systems.
  • For small amounts of cured resin, check with your local waste disposal guidelines. Some areas allow disposal with regular trash, while others require special hazardous waste collection.
  • For larger quantities of cured resin or leftover uncure versions, contact your local hazardous waste disposal facility for proper disposal instructions.

Pro Tips to Handle Epoxy Resin Mishaps

Mishappening is common, and anyone can experience it. Here are some of the most common safety mishaps that can happen while working with epoxy resin, along with how to deal with them:

  • Skin Contact: This is the most common mishap. You might brush against a container, get a drip while mixing, or accidentally touch a cured surface that still has uncured residue.

Pro Tip: Act fast! Immediately remove the epoxy with soap and warm water. Cleanse the impacted region completely for a minimum of 15 minutes. In case irritation continues, seek advice from a medical professional. Refrain from utilising solvents or strong chemicals, as they may exacerbate the irritation.

  • Eye Contact: This is a serious situation. Epoxy in your eyes can cause severe irritation or even damage your vision.

Pro Tip: Don't hesitate! Immediately flush your eyes with clean water for at least 15 minutes, holding your eyelids open. Keep flushing thoroughly. Seek medical attention immediately, even if you think your eyes feel fine.

  • Inhalation: This can occur if you're working in a poorly ventilated space and inhale epoxy fumes. Symptoms might include dizziness, nausea, or difficulty breathing.

Pro Tip: Move to fresh air immediately. If you experience difficulty breathing, coughing, or other respiratory issues, seek medical attention promptly.

  • Spills: Epoxy spills may occur while mixing or pouring, leading to a messy and challenging cleanup if left unattended.

Pro Tip: Contain the spill as quickly as possible. Use a putty knife, scraper, or cardboard to collect the bulk of the uncured resin. Place it in a waste container designated for hazardous materials. Wipe the area with appropriate cleaners according to the manufacturer's instructions. When cleaning spills, ensure proper ventilation to avoid inhaling fumes.

Always Remember:

  • Always have paper towels, rags, gloves, and safety glasses readily available in your workspace.
  • When in doubt, throw it out! Dispose of contaminated materials in compliance with local regulations. Avoid draining uncured epoxy or cleaning solvents.
  • Keep the Safety Data Sheet (SDS) for your specific resin handy and refer to it for any additional safety information or recommendations for handling mishaps.


Epoxy resin can be used safely if proper precautions are taken. By understanding the risks associated with this material and following essential safety guidelines, you can enjoy working with epoxy resin while staying safe. Remember to prioritise ventilation, wear personal protective equipment, avoid skin contact, and properly clean up and dispose of epoxy resin to protect yourself and others. To learn more about this art medium and to perfect your skills, please visit Arts Shala. Contact Us for more information!
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