Can You Use Spray Paint on Resin Model Kits?

Can You Use Spray Paint on Resin Model Kits?

Jan 19, 2024

Resin model kits have become increasingly popular in the crafting community due to their versatility and ability to create stunning, intricate designs. These kits are made from resin, a durable and lightweight material that allows for intricate detailing and customisation.

Spray paint, on the other hand, is a widely used painting technique that offers a smooth and even finish. It provides a quick and efficient way to add colour and enhance the appearance of various surfaces. If you want to get hands-on experience with spray paint on resin models, consider joining a resin art workshop for expert guidance, allowing you to explore different painting techniques.

In this blog, we will explore the possibility of using spray paint on resin model kits. Can spray paint be effectively applied to these kits? How can it be used to enhance the overall look of resin models? Let's find out!

Using Spray Paint on Resin Model Kits: Benefits and Techniques

Spray painting is a popular method for achieving a smooth and professional finish on resin model kits. It offers several advantages over other painting techniques, such as brush painting or airbrushing. Here are some key benefits and techniques to consider when using spray paint on resin models:

Priming for Better Adhesion and Colour Vibrancy

One of the most important steps before spray painting resin models is priming the surface. Priming serves multiple purposes, including improving adhesion and enhancing colour vibrancy. Regardless of the painting method used, priming is crucial to ensure a successful paint job.

  • Adhesion: Priming creates a smooth and consistent surface for the paint to adhere to. It helps prevent peeling or chipping of the paint over time.
  • Colour Vibrancy: Applying a primer creates a uniform base coat that allows the true colours of the paint to shine through. Without a primer, the resin's natural colour may affect the final appearance of the painted model.

Preparing the Resin Surface for Spray Painting

Before applying spray paint, it's essential to prepare the resin surface to achieve optimal results properly. Here's a detailed guide on how to prepare your resin model:

  • Sanding Techniques: Start by using sandpaper or sanding sticks with different grits to smooth out any rough areas or imperfections on the surface of the resin model. Begin with a coarse grit (e.g., 220) to remove any mould lines or excess material, then gradually move to finer grits (e.g., 320 or higher) for a smoother finish.
  • Cleaning: Ensure that your workspace is clean and free from dust or debris that could interfere with the painting process. Use compressed air or a soft brush to remove any loose particles from the model.
  • Primer Application: Apply an even coat of primer to the resin model, following the manufacturer's instructions. Hold the spray can at a distance of 6-8 inches from the model and use sweeping motions to achieve a smooth and consistent coverage. Allow the primer to dry completely before proceeding with the paint application.

Applying Spray Paint on Resin Models

When it comes to applying spray paint on resin models, there are a few tips and techniques that can help you achieve the best results. Here are some key points to keep in mind:

Apply Thin Coats

It's important to apply spray paint in thin, even coats for optimal results. This helps prevent drips or pooling of paint and ensures a smooth finish. Avoid spraying too close to the model, as this can lead to uneven coverage or a textured appearance.

Use Sweeping Motions

When applying spray paint, use sweeping motions to cover the entire surface of the model. This helps distribute the paint evenly and avoids creating any streaks or lines.

Maintain a Consistent Distance

Maintain a consistent distance between the spray can and the model throughout the painting process. This helps ensure an even application of paint and prevents any areas from being over-saturated.

Consider Using an Undercoat or Base Layer

Consider using an undercoat or base layer before applying the final colour. This can help block out the colour of the primer and provide a more accurate representation of your chosen paint scheme. For example, if you're painting a light-coloured model, using a white undercoat can help make the colours appear more vibrant.

Apply a Topcoat for Protection and Enhancement

Applying a topcoat is essential for protecting your paint job and enhancing its overall appearance. Topcoats provide a protective barrier against scratches and UV damage while also adding depth to the colours. Depending on the desired finish, you can select between gloss or matte topcoats.

Safety Precautions When Spray Painting Resin Models

While spray painting resin model kits, it is crucial to prioritise safety. Here are some important safety precautions to keep in mind:

  • Wear Personal Protective Equipment: Always use a respirator and gloves while spray painting resin models. These protective measures will help minimise your exposure to potentially harmful fumes and chemicals.
  • Create a Well-Ventilated Workspace: It is essential to work in a well-ventilated area to ensure proper air circulation and reduce the inhalation of fumes. If possible, consider using a spray booth or working outdoors, weather permitting. Adequate ventilation will help disperse any fumes and maintain a healthier work environment.
  • Take Precautions Against Fumes: Some spray paints can release toxic fumes, so it's important to take extra precautions. Avoid spraying in enclosed spaces without proper ventilation, as this can lead to the build-up of fumes. If you experience any dizziness or discomfort while spray painting, take a break and step outside for fresh air.
  • Follow Manufacturer's Instructions: Always read and follow the instructions provided by the manufacturer on the paint can or product label. This includes recommendations for safety precautions, application techniques, drying times, and clean-up procedures.
  • Dispose of Waste Properly: Dispose of used paint cans, empty containers, and other waste materials according to local regulations. Follow proper disposal guidelines to protect the environment and prevent any potential hazards.


If you're looking to take your resin model kits to the next level, spray paint can be a game changer. Its versatility and ability to create smooth, even coats make it an ideal choice for achieving professional-looking results. So why not give it a try?

Remember, practice makes perfect! With time and experience, you'll become more comfortable using spray paint on your resin models and discover the endless possibilities it offers. So go ahead, explore your creativity and see what amazing creations you can bring to life! For more in-depth guidance and inspiration, Contact Us on Arts Shala today and have access to tutorials, tips from experts, and a supportive community of fellow artists.

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