Five Things You Should Never Set In Resin Art

Five Things You Should Never Set In Resin Art

Feb 21, 2024

Resin art has become increasingly popular among artists as a way to showcase their creativity and produce stunning artwork. With its ability to preserve and enhance various materials, resin offers endless possibilities for artistic expression. However, it's important to note that not all materials are suitable for use with resin.

While resin can add depth and interest to your creations, certain items should never be used in combination with it. In this blog, we'll discuss five such things and explain why they are a risk when used with resin. By familiarising yourself with these limitations, you can avoid potential issues and guarantee the success of your resin projects.

If you're new to resin art or want to refine your skills, consider joining a resin art workshop for valuable guidance on proper resin casting techniques and experience in avoiding common mistakes. Now, let's explore the list of five things that should never be set in resin, along with alternative approaches for incorporating them into your resin projects.

Fresh Flowers in Resin Art

When it comes to resin art, casting fresh flowers may seem like a beautiful and natural choice. However, there are certain challenges and risks associated with using fresh flowers in resin projects.

Why Fresh Flowers Can Cause Problems in Resin Art?

Fresh flowers have an organic nature, which means they are prone to decay and colour changes over time. When exposed to resin, the moisture within the flowers can lead to discolouration, turning vibrant petals into muted shades or even brown.

Pre-Treating Fresh Flowers with Silica Gels

To mitigate the risk of discolouration, it is recommended to pre-treat fresh flowers before embedding them in resin. One effective method is using flower-drying silica gels. These gels help remove moisture from the flowers, preserving their colours and preventing decay.

By pre-treating fresh flowers with drying agents like flower-drying silica gels, you can safely incorporate their beauty into your resin projects while ensuring long-lasting vibrancy and preservation.

Original Photos and Mementoes

Embedding photos and mementoes can be a delicate matter. These items hold sentimental value and are often irreplaceable, making it crucial to consider the potential risks involved in casting them in resin. Here are some key points to keep in mind:

  • Damage to Irreplaceable Items: When you cast photos and delicate mementoes in resin, there is a risk of damage or loss. Resin is a strong material that can put pressure on fragile items, potentially causing them to break or distort. Additionally, the heat generated during the resin curing process may affect the colours and textures of these precious items.
  • Alternative Approaches: Rather than using original photos and mementoes directly, consider making photocopies or scanned prints for your resin creations. These replicas can capture the essence of the originals without risking any damage. You can also replicate mementoes using moulds and resins to create identical pieces specifically designed for resin projects.

Heirlooms in Resin Art

While embedding heirlooms in resin, many people face a dilemma: how can they preserve the sentimental value of these cherished items while also incorporating them into their resin artwork? Instead of encasing the entire heirloom in resin, consider showcasing it alongside your resin artwork. This allows you to enjoy the heirloom's beauty while still highlighting its significance within the overall piece. For example, you can create a shadow box or frame where the heirloom is prominently displayed next to the resin artwork.

Fresh Food Items with High Water Content

When using fresh food items in resin art, the high water present in food can cause issues like bubbles, mould growth, and instability in the artwork. This can affect how long the artwork lasts and how it looks.

How to Prepare Food Items for Resin Art?

To solve this problem, it’s important to prepare the food items before putting them in resin. Here's a method you can try:

  1. Choose Fruits or Vegetables: Fruits and vegetables are great options for resin art because they have interesting shapes and colours.
  2. Slice or Dice the Food: Cut the food into thin slices or small pieces. This allows the resin to surround the food evenly.
  3. Dry the Food: Place the sliced or diced food on a dehydrator tray, set the dehydrator or oven to a low temperature and let the food dry.
  4. Check for Dryness: The food is ready when it feels dry to the touch and there's no moisture left in it.
  5. Seal the Dried Food: To protect the dried food from moisture further, you can apply a layer of clear sealant spray or brush-on sealer.

Benefits of Dehydrating Food for Resin Art

Dehydrating fresh food items has several advantages when it comes to resin art:

  • Preserve Appearance: Dehydrating helps the food retain its original shape, colour, and texture, enhancing its visual appeal in the artwork.
  • Prevents Decay: By removing moisture, dehydrating prevents the food from rotting or decomposing over time.
  • Increases Stability: Dried food is less likely to shift or move within the resin, making the artwork more stable and durable.

Bugs and Animal Specimens

When working with resin, it's important to be mindful of the materials that are suitable for resin casting. One category that should be avoided is bugs and animal specimens. While it may seem interesting to add these elements to resin art, there are ethical concerns and technical challenges to consider.

Addressing Ethical Concerns

Using deceased creatures in resin art raises ethical issues for many artists. It's crucial to ensure that these creatures are obtained legally and ethically. The sourcing of animal specimens should comply with local laws and regulations, making sure that no endangered or protected species are involved. Artists should also think about the potential impact on ecosystems if certain insects or animals were excessively collected for resin art.

Technical Difficulties

Preserving bug and animal specimens for resin can be technically difficult. Without proper preservation methods, these elements can decay, change colour, or deform within the resin over time. To maintain the quality of bug and animal elements in resin, artists should consider specialised techniques such as insect taxidermy.

Insect taxidermy involves preserving insects using specific methods to prevent decay and preserve their natural appearance. It often includes careful drying, pinning, and positioning of the insect for long-term preservation. Once properly preserved, insects can be safely embedded in resin without compromising their integrity.


It's essential to understand the restrictions and potential risks associated with different materials to ensure the creation of durable and successful resin artworks. You can explore the vast potential that resin art offers while respecting the integrity of both the medium and the objects you choose for casting.

By acknowledging the restrictions on certain materials, you can enhance your understanding of the possibilities of resin art. This awareness not only ensures the longevity of artworks but also promotes a respectful approach towards the chosen mediums.

If you are eager to learn more about resin casting, Contact Us on Arts Shala to engage yourself in resin arts and casting, where you can further refine your skills and knowledge in this form of art.
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