How to Dry Resin Art: Techniques and Tips

How to Dry Resin Art: Techniques and Tips

Dec 27, 2023

Resin art is the process of creating beautiful artwork using resin as a medium. This involves mixing it with different colours and materials to make unique designs that have a shiny finish. Making sure that the resin dries properly is really important for keeping the artwork looking its best. Consider joining a resin art workshop if you're interested in learning more about resin art and how to dry it correctly. In this blog, we'll cover everything you need to know about drying resin art effectively.

Understanding the Drying Process of Resin Art

The drying process of resin is crucial in preserving the integrity and longevity of these artworks. Understanding how resin dries and the factors that can influence drying time is essential for achieving successful results.

How Resin Dries?

The resin dries through a chemical reaction process. When resin is mixed with a hardener, a chemical reaction occurs, causing the mixture to harden and solidify over time, this chemical reaction generates heat, which helps in curing the resin.

Factors Affecting Drying Time

The type of the resin, temperature, and humidity play significant roles in the drying time of resin:

  • Temperature: The temperature of your workspace can significantly affect the drying time of resin. It cures faster in warmer temperatures, while colder temperatures can slow down the process. It is important to work within the recommended temperature range specified by the manufacturer to ensure optimal results.
  • Humidity: Its levels can also impact the drying time of the resin. High humidity can extend the curing process, while low humidity can speed it up. It is essential to consider the humidity of your workspace and make adjustments as necessary to achieve optimal drying results.
  • Resin Type: Different resins have different drying times. Epoxy resin typically takes anywhere from 24 to 72 hours to cure. Polyester resin, on the other hand, can cure in just a few hours. If you're looking for something with fast curing times, polyurethane resin might be your best bet.

Different Types of Resins and Their Drying Characteristics

It's important to understand how long it typically takes for different resins to dry. This can help you make an informed decision. Understanding the differences allows you to choose the right type of resin based on their desired drying time and final result. There are various types of resins available for resin art, each with its specific properties that influence drying time:

  • Epoxy Resin: Epoxy resin typically has a longer curing time but provides a durable and glossy finish. It is known for its excellent clarity and resistance to yellowing over time.
  • Polyester Resin: Polyester resin cures relatively faster compared to epoxy resin but may have an odour during the drying process. It is commonly used for smaller projects or applications that require a quick drying time.
  • Polyurethane Resin: Polyurethane resin tends to cure quickly and offers excellent UV resistance. It is often used for outdoor applications or projects that require enhanced durability and resistance to yellowing.

Preparing Your Workspace for Successful Resin Drying

Creating a suitable work area that promotes proper resin curing is essential for successful resin art. Here are some key points to consider:

Workspace Setup

Ensure you have a dedicated and clean workspace for your resin art projects. Keep in mind that the environment can impact the drying process, so it's important to work in a space where you can control factors like temperature and cleanliness.

Clean Environment

A clean and dust-free environment is crucial, as any particles or dust can ruin the finish of your resin artwork. Regularly clean your workspace and cover your pieces while they dry to prevent any debris from settling on the surface.


Proper ventilation is essential when working with resin to ensure that any fumes generated during the curing process are safely dispersed. Consider working near an open window or invest in a ventilation system to maintain good air circulation.

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Techniques to Speed Up the Resin Drying Time

When it comes to resin art, the drying time can be a crucial factor in completing your masterpiece. Here are some techniques to speed up the resin drying process:

Warmer Temperatures

Increasing the ambient temperature can significantly accelerate the curing of resin. However, it's essential to be cautious and avoid excessive heat, which can lead to bubbling or cracking.

Pre-Warming Resin and Workspace

Before starting your resin art project, consider pre-warming the resin and workspace. This technique can help reduce the viscosity of the resin, allowing for quicker and more consistent drying.

Utilising UV Light Curing

UV light is known for its ability to cure resin rapidly. If you need something that cures quickly, it is worth considering. This method is especially effective for small objects or thin layers of resin that can be exposed to UV light for quick drying. It may not be the best choice for larger or thicker resin art projects due to the limitations of light penetration.

DIY Alternatives: Homemade Resin Dryers

Utilising common household items such as hair dryers, heat guns, or even a warm water bath can help accelerate the resin drying process. The application of gentle heat can aid in speeding up the curing time without compromising the quality of the artwork. However, it's crucial to maintain a safe distance and regulate the temperature to prevent overheating or uneven curing.

Guidelines for Experimenting With DIY Methods

  • Safety First: When using DIY resin accelerators, it's essential to prioritise safety by wearing appropriate protective gear such as gloves and goggles. Additionally, ensure proper ventilation in the workspace to avoid inhaling fumes or vapours generated during the accelerated curing process.
  • Test and Learn: Experimentation with homemade resin accelerators should be approached with caution. Conduct small-scale tests to observe the effects on different types of resin art projects before applying these methods extensively. This approach allows artists to understand the impact of DIY accelerators on their specific resin artworks while refining their techniques for optimal results.

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In conclusion, we encourage you to apply the tips and techniques discussed in this blog to enhance your resin drying process while maintaining quality standards. Remember, patience and balance are key to achieving successful resin artwork. If you're interested in learning more about resin art and diving deeper into this fascinating medium, Contact Us on Arts Shala today, where you'll find a community of like-minded artists and instructors who can guide you on your artistic journey.

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