How to Stop Lines and Streaks Appearing in Your Resin Projects?

How to Stop Lines and Streaks Appearing in Your Resin Projects?

Feb 21, 2024

Resin projects have become very popular due to their flexibility and ability to create stunning works of art. However, one common challenge you may face is the appearance of lines and streaks in your finished pieces. These imperfections affect the overall quality and visual appeal of your project. This blog will explore effective techniques to prevent lines and streaks from appearing in your resin projects, ensuring a smooth and flawless finish. We recommend joining a resin art workshop to understand these techniques in detail.

Understanding Resin Flow in Resin Projects

Resin is a self-levelling material that spreads evenly when you pour it onto a surface. However, certain factors can disrupt this flow and lead to the formation of lines and streaks. Therefore, it is important to understand these factors to effectively prevent them from happening in your projects.

1. Proper Mixing Technique

One of the most common causes of lines and streaks in resin projects is improper mixing of the resin and hardener. Following the manufacturer's instructions carefully is important and ensuring the mixture contains their ideal ratio. You can thoroughly mix these components with a stirring stick or spatula for the recommended duration. This will promote proper chemical reactions and reduce the likelihood of lines forming during curing.

2. Air Bubbles

Air bubbles trapped within the resin create lines and streaks. This is because they rise to the surface during the curing process. To minimise them, working in a well-ventilated area and avoiding excessive stirring is essential. It can introduce air into the mixture. Consider using a heat gun or a torch to gently pass over the surface of the resin to release any trapped air bubbles.

3. Temperature and Humidity Control

These phenomena can significantly impact the flow and curing process of resin. Extreme temperatures or high humidity levels lead to uneven spreading and the formation of lines and streaks. To avoid them, ensure your workspace is within the recommended temperature range and use a dehumidifier or air conditioner if necessary. This will provide acceptable conditions for the resin to cure smoothly.

Techniques to Prevent Lines and Streaks

Now that we have understood the resin flow in resin projects let's explore some techniques to prevent their occurrence.

1. Pour the Resin in Thin Layers

This technique allows better control and minimises the chances of lines and streaks appearing. Gradually pile the layers, allowing each one to cure before adding the next. This method eliminates the risk of excessive heat generation and ensures a more even distribution of resin, reducing the likelihood of imperfections.

2. Use a Torch or Heat Gun

As mentioned earlier, gently passing a torch or heat gun over the surface of the mixture helps release any trapped air bubbles. This technique leads to a smoother finish and prevents lines and streaks from forming during curing. Remember to maintain a safe distance from the resin surface and sweep the heat source to prevent overheating or burning.

3. Avoid Excessive Manipulation

Excessive manipulation of the resin with a brush or tool can disrupt its flow and form lines and streaks. Instead, you should pour the resin onto the surface and allow it to spread and level itself naturally. Use a toothpick or heat-resistant tool to guide the resin into intricate areas if necessary gently. Minimising unnecessary contact with the resin reduces the chances of introducing imperfections.

4. Use a Levelling Agent

Adding it to your resin mixture helps eliminate lines and streaks by improving the self-levelling properties of the material. Levelling agents reduce the surface tension of the resin, allowing it to spread more smoothly and evenly. Consult the manufacturer's guidelines for the appropriate amount of levelling agent to add to your resin mixture.

Why Do Lines and Streaks Appear in Resin Projects?

Let's examine why these lines and streaks occur in your resin projects. Understanding the reasons will help you prevent them. 

  1. Inadequate Mixing: Proper blending of the resin and hardener is crucial to achieve a smooth and consistent finish. Small bubbles can form when these components are not thoroughly mixed, resulting in lines and streaks in the final product.
  2. Working in an Unsuitable Environment: Resin is highly sensitive to temperature and humidity. Working in a space with high humidity or extreme temperatures can lead to lines and streaks in the resin as it cures.
  3. Using Incompatible Materials: It is essential to use materials specifically designed for resin use. Using incompatible materials, such as pigments or additives, can react with the resin and cause streaking or discolouration.
  4. Improper Pouring Technique: How the resin is poured onto the project can also contribute to the appearance of lines and streaks. Pouring too quickly or from too high of a distance can create disturbances in the resin, leading to these imperfections.
  5. Dust and Debris: Resin is prone to attracting dust and debris, especially in the curing stage. These particles can create lines and streaks in the resin if they come into contact with its surface.

What to Do If Lines and Streaks Appear in Your Resin Project?

If lines and streaks still appear in your resin project, don't panic! Here are some expert tips on how to fix them:

  1. Sanding: If the lines and streaks are shallow and not too pronounced, try sanding down the surface of the resin. Start with fine-grit sandpaper and gradually work to a higher grit until they are minimised or completely removed.
  2. Polishing: For more stubborn lines and streaks, try polishing the resin surface with a specialised polishing compound to restore its smoothness. Follow the manufacturer's instructions and buff the affected areas until they disappear.
  3. Pour a topcoat: If the lines and streaks are too deep to be removed by sanding or polishing, you can pour a thin layer of clear resin as a topcoat. This will help level out the surface and hide them underneath.


Lines and streaks are a frustrating obstacle when working on resin projects. However, implementing the techniques mentioned in this blog can significantly reduce their occurrence and achieve a flawless finish. Proper mixing, controlling air bubbles, maintaining optimal temperature and humidity, pouring in thin layers, using a torch or heat gun, avoiding excessive manipulation, and utilising levelling agents are all effective strategies to prevent lines and streaks from appearing in your resin projects. 

Embrace these techniques, and watch your resin creations transform into stunning works of art. To learn more about resin art and its techniques, visit Arts Shala’s website. Contact Us for more information
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