Resin Art

Top Resin Art Mistakes Every Beginner Should Avoid

Dec 28, 2023

So, you have made up your mind to experience making resin art? Well, that's a sane decision. But newbies always make mistakes whenever they start crafting their first resin art. If you want to avoid making these mistakes and want your art to be perfect and worthy of garnering excessive praise from your family and friends, you have landed at the right place.

There are some common reasons why mistakes transpire, and we have covered some of them below. Follow these simple but important points. However, if you desire to enhance your creativity and knowledge in resin art, you must join any resin art course.

10 Most Common Mistakes to Avoid When Making Resin Artwork

These mistakes are common but still unknown to many. Following are the ten beginner mistakes you must avoid-

Not Measured Precisely

Never take it lightly, as almost everything depends on adequate compositions and correct combinations in a chemical reaction. Therefore, a good and accurate combination of resin and hardener is important to observe your art's clarity and shiny look. Always follow the instructions found on the label for mixing. Never apply your knowledge; stick to the label for all the rules related to mixing resin and hardener.

Not Preparing Workstation 

Get the workspace ready because it is extremely important. Prepare every piece of equipment or tool you use to make your art, such as disposable cups, wooden sticks, good quality resin, safety and cleaning tools and equipment, etc. So, all kinds of goods and belongings pertinent to your resin must be available before starting your resin art.

Not of the Same Company

Avoid using resin and hardeners of heterogeneous companies. They should be produced or manufactured by the same company. If you try using a hardener from one company with resin from another, you may get inconsequential results. Their inaccurate combinations would ruin your art and eradicate your satisfying feelings for the process. So purchase both of them from the same company or manufacturer. For example - if your resin is from ABC company and the hardener is of XYZ. Then, it needs to be corrected. The resin and hardener must both be of ABC company.

Improper Mixing and Stirring

You might be anxious to complete your resin art and see it curing, executing every action in a fast-paced manner, or stirring the mixture of resin and hardener quickly. Caution! Stop it now, or your art will be ruined. 

Stir it slowly and mix it thoroughly. It can take up to three minutes, but do it like this. If you scrape quickly, bubbles can appear, and they are widely known for ruining resin art. Avoid them. Also, mix it thoroughly before pouring.

Making Big First Time

You consider yourself an expert, or you may think you have all the knowledge related to this art and have to apply that knowledge cautiously. Right! You do not have the experience. Thus, you need more expertise to start a big project. Hence, start your resin at a small scale by doing a small project and then try doing big projects. Remember, your competition is no one but you. Avoid imitating others.

Delay in Pouring Resin

This is one of the most common mistakes committed by novice enthusiasts of resin art. Their pouring of resin gets delayed owing to mistakes they make, or they need to prepare their workstation before starting the process. Hence, they get stranded and try performing every task quickly and haphazardly. Despite this, they lose as they find their resin cured when pouring it in. So, avoid the last hustle and prepare your workstation before starting the process.

Adding Colourant in an Elephantine Way

Some beginners face the issue of adding colourants. They add a hefty amount, but most need to know how much they should add. Never add more than 6% of the colourant to your resin mixture. For example - Mix 50 ml of resin with 50 ml of hardener, and it turns 100 ml. Now, add 6 ml of colourant. Never apply your logic and knowledge. Always follow the rules for crystal clear, elegant, shiny resin art.

Not in a Well-Ventilated Area

You face destructive health complications if you have started making resin and your workspace is not well-ventilated. Always remember you are dealing with toxic chemicals that have the potential to germinate severe diseases in your body. People who avoid it often confront baleful respiratory and skin issues. Many also experience headaches. So, complete all of your resin art in a well-ventilated area.

Overexposure of Torch

Overexposure to the torch and inadequate temperature of your workspace's surroundings are two things that would damage your art. Always provide the right amount of exposure to the torch if you want to remove any bubbles, and don't hold it at a spot for a long time; it might turn that area yellowish. Furthermore, maintain an adequate temperature of your surroundings before making your resin art. Also, the resin mixture should be warm enough and cool enough. It must be warm.

Allowing Dust and Bubbles

A beginner often commits some silly mistakes, which entices dust and bubbles. Provide adequate covering to your resin art when it cures, and maintain your workspace clean of particles to save your art from unwanted dust. For bubbles, use a heat gun or torch to remove them. However, as mentioned above, you can avoid them by stirring and mixing slowly.


These mistakes are common but can absolutely ruin your art if ignored. These silly mistakes beginners commit when excited or fail to maintain the required surroundings and proper procedures for performing this art. Moreover, they break the rules in ecstasy. But always remember you must follow the rules and avoid all the above mistakes during its execution.

However, suppose you are anxious to know more about this special art or have developed an excessive interest in applying resin art and crafting new things using resin. In that case, you can bank on Arts Shala, an emerging trailblazer and pioneer in resin art. Contact us today to unlock your creative potential.

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