What Is the Best Way to Seal Resin Before Painting?

What Is the Best Way to Seal Resin Before Painting?

Dec 30, 2023

Sealing resin before painting is an essential step to ensure the longevity and quality of your artwork. So, if you are looking to create a stunning masterpiece using resin, then you must know how to achieve this step. Whether you're a professional artist or a hobbyist, this technique is essential. Resin is a smooth and glossy surface that can be challenging for paints to adhere to. 

By sealing the resin, you create a suitable surface for the paint to grip onto, ensuring longevity and preventing your artwork from peeling or cracking over time. In this blog, we will explore the best methods to seal resin, providing you with expert advice and tips to achieve exceptional results. To learn this technique under expert guidance, join a reputable resin art course and begin your journey. 

Ways to Seal Resin Before Painting

There are various ways through which you can achieve a beautiful finished result. From using a clear resin topcoat to applying epoxy resin sprays, you can choose the best option. Following are some of the most used options used to seal resin:

1. Sanding the Resin

One of the most effective ways to prepare resin for painting is by sanding its surface. Start by using fine-grit sandpaper and gently sand the entire resin surface in a circular motion. This process helps to create a rough surface, enabling the paint to adhere better. After sanding, make sure to wipe off any dust residue with a clean cloth before moving on to the next step.

2. Applying a Primer

Once you have sanded the resin, applying a primer further enhances its adhesion properties. It acts as a bonding agent between the resin and the paint, ensuring better durability and colour vibrancy. Choose one that is specifically formulated for use on resin surfaces. Apply a thin, even layer of primer using a brush or roller and allow it to dry completely before proceeding with the painting process.

[Pro Tip: After each layer of primer has dried, lightly sand the surface with fine-grit sandpaper. This helps to smooth out any imperfections and provides a better surface for paint adhesion.]

3. Using Resin Sealers

These are specifically designed to seal resin surfaces, making them an excellent option for preparing resin for painting. They provide a smooth and protective layer, allowing for easy paint application. Simply apply the resin sealer with a brush or foam applicator, ensuring even coverage. Let it dry according to the manufacturer's instructions before proceeding with your artwork.

4. Epoxy Resin Coating

If you want to achieve a high-gloss finish while sealing your resin, consider this option. It coats the surface of the resin, providing a clear and glossy finish. This not only enhances the appearance of your artwork but also creates a strong and durable seal. Follow the manufacturer's instructions while applying it to ensure a successful outcome.

Steps to Seal Resin Before Painting

Now that we have gone through the ways of sealing resin let's dive into the step-by-step process. Follow these guidelines to ensure that your resin surface is perfectly prepared for your artistic endeavours:

1. Clean the Surface

The first step before sealing resin is to ensure that the surface is clean and free from any dust, debris, or fingerprints. Use a soft cloth or a lint-free paper towel and a mild detergent to clean the resin surface gently. Rinse it thoroughly and allow it to dry completely before proceeding to the next step.

2. Sand the Surface

To create a better adhesive bond, lightly sand the resin surface using fine-grit sandpaper. This process helps to remove any gloss or shine and provides a slightly roughened texture for the sealer to adhere to. After sanding, make sure to remove any sanding dust by wiping the surface with a tack cloth.

3. Choose the Right Sealer

There are various types of sealers available in the market, including varnishes, epoxy primers, and clear coats. It's essential to choose a sealer that is specifically formulated for resin materials to ensure compatibility and effectiveness. Look for sealers with UV protection to guard against yellowing and fading.

[Pro Tip: When selecting a sealant for your resin artwork, consider factors like compatibility with both resin and paint, ease of application, and the desired finish.]

4. Apply the Sealer

Using a soft brush or a foam applicator, apply a thin and even coat of the sealer onto the resin surface. Work in one direction to minimise streaking or uneven coverage. Allow the first coat to dry completely before applying subsequent coats. Follow the manufacturer's instructions regarding drying times and the number of recommended coats.

[Pro Tip: Before sealing your entire artwork, it is wise to test the sealant on a small, inconspicuous area. This allows you to assess the compatibility, adhesion, and desired finish without risking potential damage to your masterpiece.]

5. Sand and Buff (Optional)

If you desire a smoother and glossier finish, you can choose to sand and buff the sealed surface. After the final coat of sealer has dried, use a fine-grit sandpaper to lightly sand the surface. Follow up with a polishing compound and a soft cloth to buff the resin to a high shine.

[Pro Tip: Don't forget to seal the edges of your resin artwork. The edges are often prone to moisture damage and can affect the overall durability of your piece.]

Why is Sealing Resin Important?

Resin is a versatile material that can be used in various art forms, such as jewellery making, painting, and crafting. However, the resin is susceptible to environmental factors, such as UV rays and moisture, which can cause yellowing, fading, and degradation over time.

By sealing resin before painting, you create a protective barrier that shields your artwork from these harmful elements, ensuring its colours stay vibrant and true for years to come. It also provides a smoother surface for painting, allowing the colours to blend seamlessly and enhancing the overall aesthetics of your artwork. Following are some reasons to learn this step properly. 

  • Enhanced Adhesion: It acts as a bonding agent, creating a surface that bonds effectively with paints and other coatings. By applying a sealant, you ensure optimal adhesion between the resin and the paint, preventing issues such as peeling or cracking in the future. 
  • Improved Durability: Resin paintings often serve as decorative pieces, and as such, they require durability to withstand wear and tear over time. Sealing adds an extra layer of protection to the artwork, making it more resistant to scratches, UV rays, and moisture damage. 
  • Prevents Color Bleeding: When painting on resin, some pigments may react and bleed into the layers below, resulting in unwanted colour mixing or staining. By this step, you create a barrier that prevents colour bleed. This ensures that each layer of paint retains its integrity and purity, allowing for crisp and defined artwork.
  • Smoother Finish: It fills in any imperfections or pores in the resin, giving you a flawless canvas to work on. When the paint is applied on a sealed resin surface, it spreads evenly and smoothly, leading to a professional-looking and visually appealing finish. 


Sealing resin before painting is vital as it enhances adhesion, increases durability, prevents colour bleeding, and creates a smooth finish. Furthermore, it offers long-term protection, preserving the beauty of your artwork. By following the steps outlined in this blog and incorporating our pro tips, you can achieve exceptional results and create stunning resin masterpieces. 

So, what are you waiting for? Seize the opportunity to elevate your artistry and preserve the brilliance of your resin creations. If you wish to learn more about this step or have any other queries regarding resin art and its applications, visit Arts Shala’s website or Contact Us for further details.
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