Working With Resin During Hot Weather

Working With Resin During Hot Weather

Jul 04, 2024

Resin-based projects can be an exciting and creative way to bring your artistic ideas to life. However, summer's here, and while it's a fantastic time for many things, it can pose a challenge for resin crafters. That beautiful, clear resin you love? Hot weather can cure it differently, leading to a less-than-ideal finished product. But fear not, fellow resin enthusiasts! You can still create stunning pieces all summer with a few adjustments to your process. This comprehensive guide will provide the necessary strategies to navigate the process successfully. To learn more about such techniques, enrol in a resin art workshop

Understanding Resin

At its core, resin is a two-part system: resin and hardener. When mixed, they undergo a chemical reaction called curing. This reaction is exothermic, meaning it generates heat. Now, picture this happening in a hot environment – the ambient temperature adds to the heat generated by the curing process, accelerating the entire thing.

Faster curing might sound good on the surface, but for resin art, it's often a recipe for disaster. Here's what can happen when your resin cures too quickly due to hot weather:

  • Increased Air Bubbles: The rapid curing process traps air bubbles within the resin, resulting in a cloudy or uneven finish.
  • Exothermic Shock: The rapid temperature rise can cause the resin to crack or warp.
  • Shorter Working Time: You'll have less time to pour, cast, and manipulate the resin before it sets, making intricate projects difficult.

Challenges of Hot Weather

Hot weather, specifically, can significantly impact working with resin. It accelerates the curing process, which, unfortunately, gives you less time to work with the resin once the hardener is added. This can often lead to rushed work, unwanted bubbles forming in your piece, and an uneven finish, detracting from the aesthetic you aim to achieve. Additionally, hot temperatures can make the resin too runny, affecting its application and the final look of your project.

Working with resin usually requires a temperature range of 65°F to 80°F. When temperatures soar above that, several things can happen:

  • Faster Curing: The chemical reaction that cures resin accelerates in hot weather. This means you'll have less working time to mix, pour, and manipulate the resin before it starts to set.
  • Increased Exothermic Heat: As the resin cures, it generates heat. In hot weather, this exothermic reaction becomes even more pronounced, further shortening your working window and potentially causing bubbling or warping.
  • Cloudiness: High humidity often accompanies hot weather, leaving a cloudy finish on your cured resin.

Tips for Working with Resin in Hot Weather

Hot weather can throw a curveball at your resin projects. The ideal temperature for working with resin is typically between 70-75°F (21-24°C). However, don't despair if you're crafting during a heatwave! Here are some tricks to keep your resin projects on track:

Work in a Controlled Environment

The first and most effective solution is to work in a temperature-controlled environment. Air conditioning is your best friend. Aim for a cool, well-ventilated space between 75°F and 85°F (24°C and 30°C). If you don't have AC, consider working early or later in the evening when temperatures are cooler. By controlling your working temperature, you can maintain a more reasonable curing time and consistency for your resin.

Adjust Your Working Time

Resin art often involves intricate designs that require precision and patience. If you're accustomed to arranging elements in your resin art, preparing your design beforehand is advisable during warmer weather. This adjustment accounts for the faster curing process and ensures you still have enough time to properly pour and spread the resin.

Use a Thinner Layer

Another useful strategy is to apply thin resin layers instead of a single thick one. Resin cures through a chemical reaction that generates heat, known as the exothermic reaction. This heat is usually beneficial, but in hot weather, it can become excessive, causing problems like:

  • Bubbling and warping: The intense heat can trap air bubbles within the resin, leading to an uneven surface. In extreme cases, it can even warp your mould.
  • Cracking: As the resin heats and cools rapidly, it can become brittle and prone to cracks.
  • Reduced work time: Hot temperatures accelerate the curing process, giving you less time to work with the resin before it hardens.

This method helps manage the faster curing time associated with hot weather. It allows each layer to cure properly before adding the next, significantly reducing the likelihood of unwanted bubbles or imperfections in your finished piece.

Follow the Manufacturer's Instructions

Resin manufacturers often provide guidelines for working with their products under various conditions, including hot weather. You can increase your chances of getting the greatest outcomes by paying close attention to these directions based on significant research and testing.  

Keep Your Resin Cool

Last, consider the storage conditions of your resin and hardener. Keeping them in a cool place before use can help slow the curing process once you start working. This simple step can give you a few extra precious minutes to perfect your design.

Bonus Tip: Patience is Key

Remember, even with these adjustments, your resin might cure faster in hot weather. Be patient, and do not disturb the resin too much after pouring. Let it do its thing, and you'll be rewarded with a beautifully cured piece.

With a little planning and these summer-savvy techniques, you can keep your resin projects flowing all season long. So, grab your favourite resin, crank up the AC (or wait for that cool evening breeze), and get ready to create something amazing!


While working with resin in hot weather can be challenging, it's far from impossible. With preparation and strategies, you can continue to create beautiful resin projects even in the heat. Remember to control your working environment, adjust your working time, apply thinner layers, follow the manufacturer's instructions, and keep your resin cool. With these strategies in mind, nothing can stop you from crafting stunning resin art, no matter the weather. Contact Us to know more or visit Arts Shala’s website.
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