Resin on a Wooden Tray and Coasters - A Guide

Resin on a Wooden Tray and Coasters - A Guide

Jan 19, 2024

Resin is an incredibly versatile material that can be used to create stunning and unique designs on wooden trays and coasters. Whether you're a DIY enthusiast or a professional artisan, this art offers endless possibilities for expressing your creativity. Aesthetically, it adds a unique and captivating element to wooden trays and coasters. 

Its translucent nature creates an illusion of depth and dimension, transforming a simple wooden surface into a work of art. In this guide, we will explore the process of using resin on wooden trays and coasters, from preparation to finishing touches, to help you achieve beautiful and long-lasting results. To know more, enrol in a resin art workshop

How to Prepare the Wooden Tray and Coasters?

Before applying resin to your wooden tray and coasters, it's essential to prepare the surface properly. Follow these steps to ensure a smooth and successful application:

Step 1: Sanding

To create a smooth and even surface:

  • Start by sanding the wooden tray and coasters.
  • Begin with rough-grit sandpaper and gradually move to finer grits until you achieve the desired smoothness.
  • Remove any dust or debris before proceeding to the next step. 

[Pro Tip: Material Selection: Start by choosing the right sandpaper grit for the job. Lower grits, such as 80 or 120, are ideal for initial rough sanding, whereas higher grits, like 220 or 320, provide a finer finish. For detailed areas, use sanding blocks or pads to achieve evenness.]

Step 2: Sealing

Locking the wood is crucial to prevent any air bubbles from forming during the resin pouring process. Apply a thin coat of wood sealer or varnish to seal the pores and create a barrier. Allow the sealer to dry completely before moving on to the next step. To achieve a flawless finish, lightly sand the surface between each coat using fine-grit sandpaper. This helps smooth out any imperfections and promotes better adhesion between layers.

[Pro Tip: Choose the Sealant: Consider using polyurethane, lacquer, or epoxy-based sealants, as they provide excellent water resistance and transparency.]

Step 3: Taping

To contain the resin within the designated areas, use painter's tape to create a clean and defined boundary on the edges of the tray and coasters. This will ensure that resin does not overflow or run off the sides, resulting in a more professional-looking finished product. To enhance the barrier provided by the tape, apply a thin layer of a sealant, such as liquid latex or liquid masking, along the inner edges of the tape. This additional layer acts as an extra seal and reduces the chances of resin leakage.

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Applying Resin to the Wooden Tray and Coasters

Now that you have prepared the wooden surface, it's time to apply the resin. Follow these steps for a successful resin art project:

Step 1: Mixing the Resin

Read the instructions provided by the manufacturer carefully and mix the resin accordingly. Use disposable measuring cups and stir sticks to ensure accuracy and minimise clean-up. Remember to follow the recommended mixing ratios to achieve a proper cure. This process typically takes a few minutes and ensures that the resin and hardener are thoroughly blended.

Step 2: Adding Pigments or Dyes (Optional)

If you want to add colours to your resin artwork, now is the time to do it. Add a few drops of resin pigments or liquid dyes to the mixture and stir gently until the desired colour is achieved. Experiment with different combinations to create unique effects.

[Pro Tip: When working with pigments or dyes, always remember to add a little at a time and mix well before adding more. This allows you to control the intensity of the colour and achieve the desired effect.]

Step 3: Pouring the Resin

Slowly stream the mixed resin onto the wooden tray and coasters, starting from the centre and allowing it to flow naturally towards the edges. Use a heat gun or torch to remove any air bubbles that may have formed. Be careful not to hold the heat source too close to the resin to avoid scorching the surface.

[Pro Tip: If you wish to maintain a clean and professional look, use masking tape to mask off the edges of the wooden tray and coasters. This will prevent any resin from dripping over the sides, ensuring a neat finish.]

Step 4: Adding Decorative Elements (Optional)

For added flair, you can incorporate decorative elements into your resin art. Consider adding dried flowers, glitter, or small trinkets to create a personalised and eye-catching design. Arrange the elements on the resin surface and gently press them down to secure them in place.

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Finishing Touches and Curing of the Wooden Tray & Coasters

Once you have poured the resin and added any decorative elements, it's time to let it cure. Follow these final steps to ensure a polished and durable finish:

Step 1: Removing Air Bubbles

After pouring the resin, use a heat gun or torch again to remove any remaining air bubbles that may have surfaced. Move the heat source across the resin's surface, holding it a few inches away until the bubbles disappear.

Step 2: Covering and Waiting

To protect your resin art from dust and debris:

  • Cover it with a large box or a silicone mould.
  • Let it cure undisturbed in a clean and dry area for the recommended curing time specified by the manufacturer.
  • Avoid any sudden temperature changes or excessive humidity during this process.

Step 3: Sanding and Polishing

Once the resin has fully cured, remove the tape and inspect the wooden tray and coasters. If there are any rough areas or imperfections, lightly sand them with fine-grit sandpaper. Then, apply a clear epoxy resin or varnish to enhance the shine and protect the surface.

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Using resin on wooden trays and coasters opens up a world of creative possibilities. With proper preparation and attention to detail, you can achieve stunning results that will be both functional and visually appealing. Follow this guide, unleash your artistic side, and enjoy the process of creating resin art that will impress friends, family, and customers alike. To know more visit Arts Shala's website or Contact Us for additional enquiries.

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