Remove Resin From Almost Anything

How to Remove Resin from Almost Anything?

May 29, 2024

You're elbow-deep in a creative project, crafting beautiful jewellery, casting figurines, or creating stunning countertops with epoxy resin. Suddenly, a little (or a lot) of resin ends up where it shouldn't. Don't panic! Removing the material is possible, and with the right approach, you can save your project and surfaces.

This guide tackles how to remove uncured and cured resin from a variety of materials. Remember, always prioritise safety:

  • Wear gloves.
  • Work in a well-ventilated area.
  • Dispose of used materials responsibly according to local regulations.

To learn how to handle the material appropriately, enrol yourself in a resin art workshop.

Understanding the Nature of Resin

There are two main stages to consider when dealing with resin removal: uncured and cured. Uncured resin is still liquid and tacky. Cured resin has solidified and become hard and plastic-like. The removal method will differ depending on the stage. The stickiness of resin comes down to two key factors:

  • Viscosity: Resin is a viscous liquid, meaning it has a thick, syrupy consistency. This resistance to flow allows it to cling to surfaces and form a strong bond.
  • Surface Tension: The molecules in resin are attracted to each other and to the molecules of the surface it touches. This surface tension creates an adhesive force that holds the resin in place.

How to Remove Uncured Resin?

When it comes to removing uncured resin, there are several methods you can try. Here are some effective techniques to help you clean up uncured resin effortlessly:

  • Scrape it Off: Use a plastic scraper or putty knife to scrape off the uncured resin from the surface gently. Be careful not to scratch or damage the surface while scraping.
  • Use Rubbing Alcohol: Soak a cloth or paper towel in rubbing alcohol and dab it onto the uncured resin. The alcohol will help dissolve the resin, making it easier to wipe away.
  • Heat it: If the resin is still soft, you can try using a heat gun or hair dryer to soften it further. Once softened, you can scrape or wipe off the resin more easily.
  • Sand it Down: If the resin has hardened, you can use sandpaper to sand down the affected area. Start with a coarse grit sandpaper and gradually move to a finer grit until the resin is completely removed.
  • Use a Resin Remover: There are commercial resin removers available that are specifically designed to dissolve uncured resin. Follow the instructions on the product carefully for best results.

How to Remove Cured Resin?

Cured resin refers to a resin that has hardened or solidified after the curing process. Once resin has cured, it can be tough to remove, especially if it has adhered to a surface for a long period.

  • Apply Heat: Use a heat gun or hair dryer to heat the cured resin gently. The heat will soften the resin, making it easier to remove. Be careful not to overheat the resin, as it may cause damage to the surface.
  • Scrape Off Resin: Once the resin has softened, use a plastic scraper or putty knife to scrape off the resin from the surface gently. Work slowly and carefully to avoid scratching or damaging the material underneath.
  • Apply Isopropyl Alcohol: If there is any residue left behind, soak a microfiber cloth in isopropyl alcohol and gently rub the area to remove the remaining resin. Isopropyl alcohol helps to break down the resin and make it easier to wipe away.
  • Use Acetone: For stubborn resin stains, you can use acetone as a solvent. Apply a small amount of acetone to a clean cloth and gently dab the affected area. Be cautious when using acetone, as it can be harsh on some surfaces.
  • Sandpaper Finish: If there are any rough patches or leftover residue, use fine-grit sandpaper to smooth out the surface. Sand in gentle, circular motions until the surface is smooth and free of resin.
  • Clean and Polish: Once you have removed the cured resin, clean the surface with a damp cloth to remove any residue. You can also polish the area to restore its shine and lustre.

How to Remove Resin from Fabrics?

Follow these steps to remove resin stains from fabrics successfully:

  • Scrape off Excess Resin: Use a butter knife or dull blade to scrape off any excess resin from the fabric gently. Be careful not to damage the fabric in the process.
  • Apply Rubbing Alcohol: Dampen a clean cloth with rubbing alcohol and gently dab it onto the resin stain. Let it sit for a few minutes to loosen the resin from the fabric.
  • Blot with White Vinegar: Apply white vinegar to the resin stain and blot it with a clean cloth. The acidic properties of vinegar can help break down the resin and make it easier to remove.
  • Wash with Laundry Detergent: Mix liquid laundry detergent with water and scrub the affected area with a scrub brush. Rinse the fabric thoroughly with water to remove any remaining residue.
  • Air Dry: Allow the fabric to air dry naturally, and check to ensure that the resin stain has been completely removed. If necessary, repeat the process until the stain is no longer visible.

[Pro Tip: Avoid using hot water to clean resin stains, as it can cause the resin to set further into the fabric.]

How to Prevent Resin from Sticking to Anything?

Resin has adhesive properties, which is why it tends to stick to surfaces. However, there are ways to prevent this from happening.

  • Prepare Your Work Surface: Before working with resin, make sure your work surface is clean and level. Cover it with a silicone mat, wax paper, or parchment paper to create a barrier between the resin and the surface.
  • Use a Release Agent: Apply a release agent such as silicone spray or petroleum jelly to the surface where you don't want the resin to stick. This will create a barrier and make it easier to remove the cured resin.
  • Avoid Overmixing: When mixing resin with a hardener, avoid overmixing, as this can create air bubbles that may stick to the surface. Mix gently and slowly to minimise the chances of bubbles forming.
  • Use Mould Release: If you are using moulds to shape the resin, apply a mould release agent before pouring the resin. This will help the resin release easily from the mould once it has hardened.
  • Work in a Dust-free Environment: Dust particles can easily stick to the resin as it cures, creating a rough finish. Work in a clean and dust-free environment to avoid this issue.
  • Cover with a Dome: If you are working on a project that requires a dome-shaped finish, cover it with a dome-shaped container to prevent dust and debris from settling on the resin.


Removing resin from almost anything doesn't have to be a daunting task. By following the steps outlined in this blog and using the right techniques, you can successfully get rid of resin stains and restore your belongings to their former glory. Remember to be patient and persistent, as removing resin may require multiple attempts. With a little bit of effort, you can say goodbye to sticky situations and hello to clean surfaces. To learn anything about resin, visit Arts Shala and don’t forget to Contact Us for more information!


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