How to Seal Art with Resin & Get a High Gloss Finish

How to Seal Art with Resin & Get a High Gloss Finish

Feb 05, 2024

Achieving a high gloss finish on artwork can greatly enhance its visual appeal and protect it from various external factors. Resin is a popular choice among artists for sealing their artwork due to its durability, clarity, and ability to create a glossy finish. In this blog, we will explore the step-by-step process of sealing art with resin and obtaining a stunning high-gloss finish. To gain deeper knowledge on the subject of resin art, it is highly recommended to join a resin art course.

How Does Resin Work?

It is a synthetic material that experiences a chemical reaction when its two components, resin and hardener, are mixed. Once combined, they create a liquid mixture that can be applied to various surfaces, including artwork. As the mixture cures, it solidifies and forms a hard, protective and glossy coating over the artwork.

Steps of Sealing Art with Resin

Preserving your projects with resin can elevate your artwork to a whole new level, adding a professional and luxurious touch. By following these steps, you can confidently go on your resin sealing journey.

Step 1: Prepare Your Artwork

Properly framing your artwork is essential to achieve the best results when sealing with resin. Follow these steps:

  • Clean: Dust off your artwork using a soft, lint-free cloth to ensure a clean surface. Remove any loose particles or debris that may interfere with the resin application.
  • Seal Porous Surfaces: If your artwork has porous surfaces such as canvas or wood, consider sealing them first. Applying a suitable sealer helps prevent the resin from sinking into the material and provides a smooth base for the resin coat.
  • Secure the Edges: Use painter's tape to protect the edges of your artwork. This prevents the resin from dripping over the sides and ensures clean, crisp edges.

[Pro Tip: Level Your Artwork: Achieving a balanced surface is crucial when working with resin. Uneven surfaces can result in uneven distribution of resin and affect the outcome.]

Step 2: Choose the Right Resin

Opt for a high-quality, artist-grade resin that is specifically formulated for artwork. Factors to Consider when Choosing Resin are:

  • Types of Resin: Epoxy and polyurethane resin are the main choices for sealing art. Epoxy is preferred for its gloss and clarity, while polyurethane is more durable.
  • UV Resistance: If artwork is exposed to sunlight, UV-resistant resin is important to prevent yellowing and fading. Look for resins marketed as UV-resistant.
  • Viscosity: It determines resin thickness and flow. Different artwork requires different viscosity levels. For example, intricate details benefit from lower viscosity. Thicker resins create a 3D effect or seal large surfaces.
  • Mixing Ratio and Pot Life: The sustenance requires a specific mixing ratio of resin and hardener. Follow the manufacturer's instructions for proper curing. Pot life is working time before hardening. Choose one with a pot life suitable for working speed and artwork size.

Step 3: Mix Resin and Hardener

This is an essential step as it ensures that the resin cures properly and provides a durable finish for your artwork. While it may seem like a straightforward process, there are a few things to keep in mind to ensure optimal results:

  • Follow the Instructions: Always refer to the manufacturer's instructions for mixing ratio and curing times. Deviating from the recommended guidelines may result in an incomplete cure or other issues with your resin.
  • Use the Right Tools: Make sure you have clean measuring cups and stir sticks specifically designated for resin mixing. Using dirty or contaminated tools can affect the quality of your resin.
  • Avoid Over-Mixing: While it's important to mix the resin and hardener thoroughly, be careful not to over-stir. Over-mixing can introduce unnecessary air bubbles into the mixture, which can affect the final appearance of your artwork.
  • Work in a Well-Ventilated Area: Some resins may emit strong odours during the mixing process. It's important to work in a well-ventilated area to avoid inhaling any potentially harmful fumes.

Step 4: Apply Resin to Artwork

After thoroughly mixing the resin and hardener, you can begin applying the mixture to your artwork. Pour a small amount onto the centre of your artwork and use a brush or a spreader to distribute it evenly over the surface. Work carefully to cover all areas, including the edges. Take your time and ensure that the resin is spread evenly to achieve a smooth and glossy finish.

Step 5: Remove Air Bubbles

As you apply the resin to your artwork, air bubbles may form. They can detract from the glossy finish, so it's essential to eliminate them. Use a heat gun or a small torch to pass over the surface of the resin gently. The heat will help the bubbles rise to the surface and burst, giving you a clear and smooth finish. Be cautious not to overheat the resin, as it can cause yellowing or other damage.

Step 6: Allow Curing Time

After applying the resin, allow it to cure for the recommended time provided by the manufacturer. This curing process gives the resin time to harden and form a protective barrier on your artwork. Avoid touching or disturbing the resin during the curing process to minimise any potential issues.

Step 7: Assess the Gloss Finish

Once the resin has cured, evaluate the final gloss finish of your artwork. If you are satisfied with the result, your sealing process is complete. However, if you notice any imperfections or areas that require touch-ups, you can repeat the process by applying another layer of resin.

Importance of Sealing your artwork with resin

Sealing your artwork with resin is a crucial step in the art-making process. It offers a range of benefits that every artist should consider:

  • Enhanced Visual Appeal: Resin adds a glossy, glass-like finish to your artwork, intensifying the vibrancy of colours and creating a stunning visual effect. The glossy surface reflects light, making your artwork more eye-catching and captivating.
  • Protection against External Elements: Artwork is often exposed to dust, moisture, UV rays, and other environmental factors that can cause damage. By sealing your artwork with resin, you create a protective barrier that shields your masterpiece from these elements, ensuring its longevity.
  • Depth and Dimension: Resin creates a three-dimensional effect, giving your artwork a sense of depth and texture. It enhances details and creates a captivating visual experience for viewers.
  • Long-lasting Durability: Resin is a durable material that can withstand the test of time. By sealing your artwork with resin, you provide it with a protective coating that helps prevent fading, chipping, and other forms of damage. Your artwork will remain vibrant and intact for years to come.
  • Easy Maintenance: Resin-sealed artwork is incredibly easy to clean and maintain. A gentle wipe with a soft cloth is all it takes to remove any dust, fingerprints, or smudges, allowing your artwork to always look its best.


Sealing artwork with resin not only provides a high gloss finish but also offers protection and longevity to your creations. By following the step-by-step process outlined in this article, you can enhance the visual appeal of your artwork and ensure its preservation for years to come. 

Remember, practice makes perfect, so don't hesitate to experiment with different techniques and resin brands to find what works best for your artwork. To explore additional knowledge on resin art and its techniques, make sure to check out Arts Shala's website. If you have any further inquiries or require more details, feel free to Contact Us.
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