Why Are My Resin Keychains Breaking?

Why Are My Resin Keychains Breaking?

Feb 05, 2024

Resin keychains have become increasingly popular thanks to their unique and customisable designs. These miniature works of art are created using a combination of resin and various decorative elements to encapsulate personal style and creativity. Resin keychains offer a fun and fashionable way to express individuality or even serve as thoughtful gifts for loved ones.

If you're interested in learning more about the art of resin keychain making, consider joining a resin art workshop, where you can get valuable insights into the techniques and processes involved in crafting durable and visually appealing resin keychains.

Despite their appeal, many people face a common issue with resin keychains: they tend to break easily. This can be frustrating, especially when you've put time and effort into creating a unique piece. In this blog, we will talk about why resin keychains break and how we can prevent them from breaking.

What Are Resin Keychains?

Resin keychains are popular accessories made from resin, a versatile material commonly used in crafting and art projects. Resin is a viscous substance that can be transformed into a hard, durable plastic-like material through a process called curing.

How Does Resin Curing Work?

When resin is combined with a hardener, a chemical reaction called curing takes place. This reaction causes the liquid resin to harden and form into a solid state. The hardener plays a crucial role in this process by initiating and speeding up the curing reaction.

Why Is Hardener Important in Resin Keychain Making?

Without the hardener, the resin would remain in its liquid form and not become solid enough for keychain making. The hardener is responsible for giving the resin its desired hardness and durability, making it suitable for creating sturdy keychains.

Causes of Resin Keychain Breakage

Resin keychains can break due to several reasons, such as room temperature, heat exposure, and the mixing amount of resin components. Understanding these factors can help you prevent breakage and improve the quality of your resin keychain.

Impact of Room Temperature

The ambient temperature during the resin curing process plays a significant role in determining the strength and durability of resin keychains. Temperature changes can lead to improper curing, resulting in weak keychains prone to breakage.

Effects of Excessive Heat Exposure

When resin keychains are exposed to excessive heat, they become vulnerable to breakage. For instance, leaving resin keychains in a hot car or placing them near direct heat sources can compromise their structural integrity, leading to cracks and breakage.

Importance of Measuring and Mixing

Achieving the optimal strength and durability in resin keychains needs precise measurement and careful mixing of the resin and hardener components. Shifting from the recommended ratio or poor mixing can result in weakened keychains that are easier to break.

Fixing and Preventing Resin Keychain Breakage

Resin keychains can be delicate and prone to cracking or breaking if improperly handled. However, there are methods to repair cracked resin keychains and preventive measures you can take to ensure their durability. Here are some tips to fix resin cracking and prevent future breakage of resin keychains:

Repairing Cracked Resin Keychains

If you find that your resin keychain has cracked, don't worry! You can fix it using adhesive and reinforcement techniques. Here's how:

  • Adhesive: Apply a strong adhesive like epoxy resin glue or cyanoacrylate (superglue) to the crack. Follow the instructions on the adhesive packaging for the best results. Press the cracked pieces together firmly and hold them in place until the glue sets.
  • Reinforcement: To strengthen the repaired area more, reinforce the crack with a strip of reinforcement material such as fibreglass cloth or carbon fibre tape. Cut a piece of the material slightly larger than the crack and apply it over the glue. Ensure that it sticks well to both sides of the crack.
  • Finishing Touches: Once the adhesive has fully cured, sand down any rough edges or excess glue for a smooth finish. You can then repaint or add a clear coat of resin to restore the appearance of your keychain.

Preventing Future Breakage

To avoid resin keychain breakage altogether, taking preventive measures during the creation process is important. Consider these essential tips:

  • Proper Mixing: Measure and mix the right amount of resin and hardener according to the manufacturer's instructions. Over-mixing can lead to weak bonds and an increased chance of breaking.
  • Pouring Thickness: Avoid pouring thick layers of resin, as they may increase the risk of cracking during curing. Opt for thinner layers instead, allowing each layer to fully cure before adding the next.
  • Curing Environment: Ensure that the keychains are cured in a controlled environment at room temperature. Sudden changes in temperature or exposure to excessive heat can cause the resin to expand or contract, resulting in cracks or breakage.
  • Avoiding UV Exposure: UV light can degrade and weaken resin over time. To prevent yellowing or creaking, consider using UV-resistant resin or apply a clear UV-resistant coating over the finished keychain.

By following these methods to repair cracked keychains and implementing preventive measures, you can create more durable resin keychains that will be in everyday use and last for a long time. Remember, proper curing techniques and careful handling are essential for achieving optimal results.

Learning from Other Resin Projects: Epoxy Tables and Beyond

When it comes to preventing cracks in resin keychains, we can draw valuable insights from larger epoxy resin projects like epoxy tables and countertops. These projects often involve pouring thick resin layers, posing similar challenges to creating durable keychains. Here are some lessons we can learn:

  • Proper Curing Time: Epoxy tables and countertops require a longer curing time compared to smaller resin crafts. This is because the thicker the resin layer, the longer it takes to cure completely. Similarly, it's crucial to allow enough time for the resin to cure properly when making resin keychains. Rushing the process can lead to weakened keychains that are prone to breakage.
  • Preventing Heat Build-Up: Heat is a common enemy in resin projects, and epoxy tables are no exception. Excessive heat exposure during the curing process can cause the resin to overheat and lose its structural integrity. Proper cooling techniques, such as using a heat gun or placing the project in a cool environment, are employed to prevent this issue. Similarly, when making resin keychains, it's important to avoid exposing them to excessive heat during the curing phase.
  • Avoiding Excessive Mixing: In large epoxy projects, mixing the resin and hardener thoroughly but without introducing excessive air bubbles is essential. The same principle applies when creating resin keychains. While thorough mixing is essential for proper curing, over-mixing can introduce more air bubbles into the mixture and weaken the final result.

Read Also - Prepare Wood For Resin: Essential Steps For Stunning Results


To create more durable resin keychains, it is crucial to understand the causes of resin cracking and implement preventive measures. By following proper curing techniques and taking the necessary precautions, you can significantly reduce the risk of breakage.

Applying the tips and information given throughout this blog can enhance the strength and longevity of your resin keychains. Remember, practice makes perfect, so don't be discouraged if you encounter some challenges along the way. For more information on resin arts and crafts, Contact Us on Arts Shala today and further refine your skills in creating stunning resin keychains.
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