Resin Bendy

Why Is My Resin Bendy? Uncovering the 7 Key Reasons

May 06, 2024

Resin art has gained massive popularity in recent years due to its versatility and stunning visual effects. However, one common issue that resin artists often encounter is the bendy resin. Bendy resin refers to a resin that remains flexible or bends even after the curing process. This undesired property can ruin the aesthetic appeal and structural integrity of your resin artwork.

If you're interested in learning more about how resin works and mastering the art of resin crafting, consider joining a resin art workshop to gain valuable insights, techniques, and hands-on experience to help you create stunning resin artwork with confidence.

To understand why resin becomes bendy, it is crucial to explore the main reasons behind this issue. In this blog, we will look into the 7 key factors that contribute to bendy resin and provide practical tips to fix and prevent this problem. By implementing these solutions, you can ensure that your resin pieces are of high quality, rigid, and visually pleasing every time. So, let’s get started!

1. Insufficient Curing Time

In resin crafting, the time it takes for the resin to harden fully is crucial. When the curing time is not enough, the resin may become flexible or bendy, which is usually different from what we want. If you take your resin piece out of the mould or start working on it before it's fully cured, it might still have some flexibility. This can cause it to bend or crack, making it less sturdy and less good in quality.

The recommended curing time is different depending on what type and brand of resin you're using. For example, some resins might need 24 hours to be 95% solid, while others could take 3-5 days to cure completely. It's essential to follow the manufacturer's instructions about specific curing times.

2. Thin Pours and Insufficient Layer Thickness

Pouring resin too thin can have a significant impact on its flexibility and strength. When the resin layer is too thin, it may not cure properly, leading to a bendy and less rigid final result. To avoid this issue, it is crucial to ensure an adequate layer thickness.

For resin projects, a recommended minimum thickness is generally suggested to prevent bendiness. This thickness can vary depending on the specific resin brand and type of project. It is very important to refer to the manufacturer's instructions or consult resin experts for guidance on the appropriate layer thickness.

When dealing with bendy resin artwork due to thin pours, one effective solution is to use layering techniques. By adding additional layers of resin, you can reinforce thin or weak areas and increase the overall rigidity of the piece. This technique helps distribute the stress evenly across the project and creates a more solid final result.

3. Inaccurate Measuring and Improper Resin Ratios

Accurate measuring and maintaining proper resin-to-hardener ratios are crucial in the resin mixing process. Failing to do so can result in bendy resin with compromised flexibility and strength. Here's why inaccurate measuring and improper resin ratios can lead to bendiness:

  • Importance of Precise Measurement: Resin and hardener must be measured accurately to ensure a balanced chemical reaction during the curing process. Even slight deviations from the recommended ratios can affect the resin's final properties.
  • Consequences of Incorrect Ratios: Using incorrect resin-to-hardener ratios can lead to incomplete curing, resulting in a softer and more flexible resin. When the chemical reaction is imbalanced, the resin may not fully bond, leading to a less rigid final product.

4. Moisture Exposure

Moisture can significantly impact the curing and structural integrity of resin, leading to unwanted flexibility in the cured product. Understanding how moisture affects resin is crucial for preventing bendy results. Signs of moisture-related issues in cured resin:

  • Stickiness or tackiness on the surface.
  • Cloudiness or haziness in the cured resin.
  • Soft or flexible areas that do not harden properly.

Drying Methods

Practical techniques for removing moisture from resin surfaces include:

  • Gentle heat application to evaporate surface moisture.
  • Desiccants or silica gel are used to absorb excess moisture.
  • Proper ventilation and air circulation during the curing process.

Sealing and Protecting Resin

Preventive measures such as using sealants to protect resin from moisture absorption can be beneficial. Some key points to consider:

  • Applying a clear sealant or topcoat to create a barrier against moisture.
  • Storing resin projects in a dry, controlled environment to prevent exposure to humidity.

5. Improper De-moulding

Improper de-moulding techniques can lead to deformation and flexibility in resin pieces, affecting their final quality. It's essential to use safe and effective methods for removing cured resin from moulds without causing distortion or flexing. Proper de-moulding techniques play a crucial role in preventing issues with resin flexibility.

De-moulding Techniques

Here are some recommended de-moulding techniques:

  • Gently flex the mould to release the edges of the cured resin.
  • Use a smooth and gentle motion to avoid putting unnecessary stress on the resin.

Release Agents and Surface Preparation

Another essential aspect of de-moulding is the use of release agents and proper mould surface preparation. Here's what you need to know:

  • Apply an appropriate release agent to the mould before pouring the resin to prevent sticking.
  • Ensure proper mould surface preparation by cleaning and, if necessary, applying a mould conditioner for smooth de-moulding.

6. Low-quality or Contaminated Resin

When it comes to resin art, the quality and purity of the resin itself play a crucial role in determining its final properties. Using low-quality or contaminated resin can lead to undesirable outcomes, including bendy resin. When considering different resin options, look for the following criteria:

  • Opt for resins that have a reasonable curing time, allowing for proper hardening without excessive flexibility.
  • Check the hardness rating of the resin. Resins with higher ratings tend to be more rigid and less prone to bending.
  • Look for resins that offer good heat resistance. Heat-sensitive resins may become flexible when exposed to high temperatures, compromising their rigidity.
  • UV-resistant resins are less likely to yellow or become fragile over time, ensuring long-lasting rigidity.

7. Inadequate Post-Curing

Post-curing is crucial for making resin harder and more rigid, maximising its durability and strength. Exposing the cured resin to UV light helps in further cross-linking of polymer chains, enhancing its overall hardness. Subjecting the resin to controlled heat can accelerate the curing process and improve its final rigidity.

The length of time needed for post-curing can vary depending on the specific resin used, but generally, allowing the resin to undergo post-curing for a more extended period is beneficial for achieving maximum hardness. It's also essential to maintain a consistent temperature and ensure exposure to the appropriate curing elements during this time.


Working with flexible resin requires understanding the common issues that may arise and knowing how to address them. By following the troubleshooting and prevention techniques discussed in this blog, you'll be better equipped to handle any challenges that come your way while working with resin.

Remember, practice makes perfect! Feel free to experiment with the solutions provided here and share your own experiences through your artwork. Learning from each other's successes and failures is a great way to grow as an artist.

If you're looking to expand your knowledge and skills in resin arts and crafts, Contact Us on Arts Shala today for a wide range of courses and workshops conducted by experienced instructors who can help take your creativity to new heights.


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